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Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Super Junior M

No one wants to help Henry during the game
Sungmin split legs to win bubble milk tea
Donghae play game and Ryeowook keep eating
Credits: TaiwanLuvSJ
posted by elf101586@sup3rjunior.wordpress.com
Credit: aKyufan @ youtube
Posted by: reneee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)
Back in late February / early March, the boys of Super Junior M released their Perfection mini-album. Recently, it was revealed that the boys would be staying in Taiwan for two months to promote‘Perfection’ and they kicked things off with their first live performance on Channel V’s variety programLove JK.
SJ-M is a sub-unit of Super Junior’s and their members consist of Si Won, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Henry, Zhou Mi, Eunhyuk and Sungmin.
Check out the performance below!
Credits: allkpop
Posted by elf101586@sup3rjunior.wordpress.com
Super Junior M dropped by Taiwan’s UFO Radio on April 1st, their third day in the country. They have reportedly been followed by fans ever since their arrival in Taiwan.
On this day, they went to UFO Radio for an interview. Host Mickey Huang thoughtfully presented them with a bag of goodies causing the members to exclaim in delight.
The eight members got in line in front of the gathered reporters for a short photo session. They each made their signature poses, their overflowing charm making even the station crew pick up their cameras for some photos.
From the side, Mickey Huang presented the members with a goodie bag filled with things like a Taipei EasyCard, tour guide book, map of Taipei, amulet, language CD, museum ticket, and a shopping bag. They repeated their thanks nonstop as the presents were handed out. Siwon, who received the CD, looked a bit at a loss before he swiftly added that he would work hard and hopefully pick up a few sentences of the language.

Source: ChinaYES Entertainment, koreabooPosted by elf101586@sup3rjunior.wordpress.com

Perfect Beginning
<cool> Firstly, congratulations to SJM for successfully releasing their 2nd album. Compared to the previous one, this album seems to be going more towards the bad guy image. Do the members agree? Is everyone happy with their image?
EH:This time round, to give a more manly feel to performances, we spent alot of effort. All the members seem to be happy with their own image. The first time when we got confirmation for the album, we are all very happy this is what we want.
<cool>Perfection included alot of electronic sounds, is there anything to take note of when doing this kind of music?
ZM:Actually the song’s melody and performers are the most attractive. We would always try out different genres. This time we added in some electronic sounds, hope the music would bring something new to everyone. We switched to a whole new musical feel to meet with everyone. Feel that people will like it.
<cool>It feels like your stage presence would add points to your music, it that right?
ZM: YES! We also feel that we have the most presence on stage. Listening to the cd and watching us on stage would of course be different as we would be more passionate during LIVE performances. We also feel that being able to make contact with the fans is something that excites us.
<cool>Eunhyuk also says that there isn’t any special point in the dance. But when performed it is great. Did Eunhyuk participate in the choreography for the
“Perfection” Dance?
EH: I did participate but its not the actual choreography. It is by a foreign choreographer named Misha who sent a tape to us. The korean choreographer and I watched the tape and discussed where and how to make modifications. Basically we got the Idea through communication.(???)
<cool>The dance is really exciting!
EH:Gomase….Xie xie(thank you in chinese) HAHAHAHAH
<cool>This album includes Jay Chou and Fang Wen Shan’s work “Love is Sweet”. Actually when Jay Chou went to korea to promote his movie Secret, SJ were guests, what is the reason for this collaboration?
ZM:We covered “at least I still HAve You” in the first album. That time, the members didn’t know much about chinese music. After two years of activities, The members start to like the chinese producers and singers. This time, everyone would suggest to the company if they would collaborate with the people we admire. Earlier, we performed “Childhood story” by Guang Liang during a fan meet. We actually did try to contact GuangLiang. My good friend called guang liang “Guang Liang ge, would you write a song for SJ-M? Something like “Childhood Story”But because he was really busy with his activities and was going to release his new album, so there wasn’t time. Just nice, the company contacted Jay Chou and we are honoured to have this chance to collaborate.
<cool> with the addition of the two new members, is there a reshuffling in the workload between the group? Are there any new arrangements?
EH:Actually in this group, the errands which the maknaes have to do have been passed on to me and Sungmin hyung… bring them tea,pour them water etc.. we do that. Also massages, we did many different kinds of sweet acts.
Other members: Never! you are lying! Totally didn’t!
KH: What? Massage? Really not even once.
EH:Actually—I would wait for everyone to sleep then secretly help everyone massage, that is why you guys don’t know…….
KH:YA! We all lock the doors when we sleep, how did you come in!? This is ridiculous!(in mandarin)
<cool> actually it is the thought that matters.
EH:Right! My good intentions are there!
<cool>Then why don’t you make a promise now, tonight you give them massage.
EH:That’s good! Good!Good!Good!(in mandarin)
Other members: ……….. (reliability—-> 0, they shake their heads)
<cool> Sungmin’s japanese is extremely good, his popularity in japan is also really high. We are surprised when he joined SJ-M which is marketed to Chinese areas. Though Eunhyuk ever joked that Sungmin was added in as a body guard, but what do you feel was the reason that you were added?
SM: During group practice, if the members are exercising, I would be the assistant. I would wake up early every morning to get myself ready, then take care of the members. Although there is no leader in SJ-M but I am the eldest Hyung so I should do what a good Hyung should do.
KH: Although with this new album, it was not said who is the leader, but we all have a silent agreement that it is Sungmin. Because he takes care of us really well. (HOMG MY EYES ARE FAILING ME! KYU IS NOT BEING SNARKY!! coz its min~)
<cool>From what I know, Sungmin’s image is one that is very cute, but he is very manly IRL.
ZM: Yes yes! Like when we are practicing our dances, Sungmin hyung would gather everyone to practice together, or get everyone to do something together. He would take the lead. This is why we have a silent agreement that the leader is Sungmin.
EH: (softly) No matter what i am still the maknae :(
RW:Looks child-like too.
<cool>But this is strange. Many celebrities who are manly IRL would feel uneasy doing aegyo on stage. But it feels like Sungmin isn’t shy about it at all, very natural.
SM: hahahaha!I am good at hiding~I purposely hide my manly side.
Other members: Hmmm? hmm?
KH: This is ridiculous(mandarin) <haha his fav line>
SM:As if you guys don’t do it? You didn’t do it?
KH:Then when will you show it to us?
SM: ……….
[This couple bickering! IDE!]
<cool>Hope after sometime your real personality will come out. Should be very handsome!
SM:No matter what, still an idol now. To do well at fan service, to be cute is better….Actually, I am a little tired of acting cute…. (he did a facepalm)
<cool>Eunhyuk said on a programme “Since I’m going to China, I must do it well”, is there any goals this time for SJ-M? Or any thing that you MUST fulfil?
EH:Personally, I have not set any goals yet. This is because I started this activity due to the long-term plans. After settling all the activities in Korea, I joined SJ-M. This is in preparation for next year, the year after, even 10 years later so that SJ-M can meet the chinese-scene fans. Because (I) want to be active longer so I joined SJ-M.
[Its pretty tough to trans this. But according to my POV, this just confirmed my theory that SM is just going to focus on the mando-pop scene while the rest completes their national service]
<cool>Eunhyuk is having activities in China but is also at the same time active in korea’s activities, How do you cope with the activities from both sides, any difficulties?
EH: This time because of SJ-M’s activities, we have totally settled the activities in korea first before coming here. This is so that I can focus entirely on SJ-M. I am also working hard so that I can get closer with the chinese fans.
<cool>So when Eunhyuk hosts <Kiss the Radio> will you use anecdotes from china as material for the broadcast?
EH:Now Yesung is filling in for me as host in <Kiss the Radio> when I go back I would tell everyone about the activities in china, interesting anecdotes and unforgettable memories.
<cool>When we talk about Eunhyuk, you are already very successful in the Korean entertainment scene.Do you have any ambitions for the chinese entertainment industry?
EH: WhereWhere/Don’t have Don’t hate~[basically just being humble] (he is obviously very happy) Actually I do have ambitions for the chinese entertainment industry, but because of the language barrier.. Also, GAG seems pretty difficult as every country has different sense of humor. After I spend some time settling down, then I will start challenging the chinese entertainment industry.
<cool>It is a trend now with “cool urban male” image. Kyuhyun too portrayed Secret Garden’s Kim Joo Won at the recent K.R.Y concert.Are you into such an image recently?
KH: K.R.Y concert being able to be held in Japan, China/Taiwan and Korea is something that I am very happy about. Secret Garden is a drama that is very popular with people. I really wanted to sing and at the same time portray Won Bin’s role. I didn’t deliberately act as a “cold urban male” I just like that song and that character. So I challenged it on stage.
<cool>The result seems really good! Kyuhyun’s ability to imitate seems really good.Doesn’t matter if its mandarin pronunciation or Kim Joo Won’s image, all are pretty accurate portrayals. Do you feel that you have the talent for imitating others?
KH:ah… erm….(acting shy)
DH:Show abit here.
KH:erm…ah…(automatically goes into this pose: one hand on forehead,body pushed back, raised chin…an arrogant look)
<cool>Aigoo, aren’t you already acting?
KH:ah. Pardon me(mandarin “bu hao yi si”)!HAHAHAHA!Actually it isn’t that I am talented in imitation, it is because I really like this drama, usually when I talk to friends on the phone I would use this tone as well. The part in the concert is one that I personally really like. So can’t really say that I am good at imitation.
<cool> Big Bang’s ver of Secret Garden have you seen it? What do you think?
KH: I heard of it.But have not seen.
<cool>If you were to come out to act, which character do you want to take on for Secret Garden?
KH: Because I have never filmed and dramas before, I don’t have thoughts of acting the main role, so i will start from a supporting role. For example Secret Garden’s Lee Jong Suk’s character, SUN.If I can act that role, it would be great.
<cool>ah! Really suits you! “Move aside!” “Get Lost!” “Very busy!”
KH: en en. (laughs)
<cool>Henry said on Strong Heart that the big brothers would teach some strange words to you. So this time in China, did you teach them strange mandarin as revenge?
Henry: (good boy) Nope, Nope…
<cool> Because you are kind?
Henry: Yes! I am very kind!
ZM: Actually he is not kind. Its just that his ability is limited.
<cool>So did Zhoumi do such a thing?
ZM:I did not, I only teach proper stuff (Henry injected: I teach only the good stuff too!) Their focus is very weird, I want to teach them useful stuff but they keep asking about strange stuff….things that even I don’t know….
<cool> Like?
ZM:They would bring a chinese book to me and ask what is the meaning of this? Such words, we wouldn’t use in our daily lives so I would say “I don’t know”
<cool> Seems like Donghae’s mandarin is getting better and better. When interviewing, he gets the point.
DH: Ah… half half(mandarin)
<cool> oh? Then it seems like my korean level….
DH:Really? HAve you been to korea(mandarin)?
<cool> Went before.
DH: When?(mandarin)
<cool>The most recent one is to “Korean-Chinese Music Gathering”(WTF i dunno what this is)
DH:Constantly learning korean?(mandarin)
<cool>Nope! Just by ear plus often watches koean dramas…
All:So you learn by ear?
<cool>en. But when i watch movies, i mostly learn vulgarities.
All:Like what? Like What?
<cool> wahhh……..(says some eg. “shibal”)
EH: Ai Hai!
RW: its new shoes? new shoes? (the sound is similar to “shibal”)
<cool> ah! Ryeowook is smart.
Investigation : The Imperfections
<cool> The main song from this album is “Perfection” many will ask you “who is the most perfect in the group” but we would like to know what do you feel is lacking about yourselves.
KH:Who should start? Lets do scissors paper stone.
All: You first!
KH:o. I’ll start then. Because I am the group’s main singer, so i would feel that my singing is not perfect.(cool: it can’t be!!) As soon as I have time, I would practice singing.Also, everyone agrees that my singing skill is good, so i would put higher expectations on myself(cool: wah! so touched!)
Henry: I feel that my appearance isn’t perfect.We can improve in other areas but appearance can’t be changed…
[whut noooo]
<cool>There is a chinese saying that the appearance is based on the heart. If you keep thinking of yourself as handsome, you would be handsome. HAve to be more confident! You Know?
Henry: Yeah…
EH: My meat[lololol direct translate] seems like its not enough, if i can buff up abit more it would be good.
Others: HEYHEYHEY! You are sitting next to ZM how could you say that?
EH: Ah! Sorry! Shouldn’t say this infront of ZM hyung. So let me change it abit. Body is not perfect.
<cool> But after 3jib it seems like you are getting better in this area. Even on stage you’d take off your clothes and stuff, a few days ago at the Shanghai concert you stripped too.
EH: FUFUFU…. Actually i don’t take off clothes that often la… Did you see? ahahahah! (cool thinking: thousands of people already saw… *side eye*) my body is such that it is not easy to grow muscles.So I am working really hard on developing it.
ZM: Because I am also incharge of vocals in the group, so like KH, those who are singing would feel that we are lacking in that area. Also, dance wise, I initially wanted to perform more dance but because the preparation time is short, I felt both excited yet worried.
RW: for me… fan’s love?
All: Love? HAHA! So mushy. Just say its your height.
RW: There is not enough time to love the fans?
All: The area you are lacking in is your height. HAHA! okok, since there is time constraint, so its like this, PASS!
<cool>So today… do you have…..? (looks at RW’s shoes)
DH: HAHAHAHAHAHA!(exchanges looks with cool)
<cool>OK! I know already! (shoe lift confirm!) Next is donghae!
Others: Oo~~~we anticipate it! (shushing each other with evil glee)
KH:His would be interesting.
EH:DH must have thought of a really~~~ interesting answer. Because when we were talking you must have been thinking really hard about it.
DH:What I am lacking is that I didn’t have more fans.
All:eh???!!! Stil not enough?!
DH:HAHA just joking. Actually I am not perfect in all areas. Singing, dancing, acting, sense… there is nothing I am really good at.
RW:If you say that, what about me?
DH:So I am working really hard, I hope to be someone who can benefit the other members.
EH: (said aside)If you know it, then practice harder…
KH:(cannot take it anymore) So what is the thing that you feel you are lacking?
DH: In all areas ah.
All: ………….(fail!)
<cool>What about Sungmin?
RW:Sungmin say something more  interesting.
SM: What would be humorous…?
EH: Ah! He has no sense of humor(as in cannot say funny things)
Others: YESYESYES! Hyung, you really are not interesting….
EH:Actually Sungmin hyung is really fun IRL. But on stage or during actual performances he is not. (all nod in agreement)
DH:This question has to be answered with humor? Don’t have to answer seriously?? (just realised) [HOMG DONGHAE! YOU… /facepalm]
<cool> YES EVERYONE!!!!
RW:Then it is Kyuhyun who was too serious at first. Not fun~
KH:This question should be answered seriously
SM: Then… my part just ended like this???
Others: En. It ended…. HAHAHAHA!
RW: Wah! Sungmin finally says something interesting.
<cool>“Terminator”(ok i dunno wtf is this i google trans it and it says Terminator please tell me a better word) this term is pretty popular in korea now. Like “Fashion Terminator” “Voice Terminator” etc. So what are the members’ areas whereby they are terminators?
DH:Don’t have… I, don’t have(in mandarin)
<cool>Donghae should be “All rounded terminator”? Because your rap is good, singing is good, dance is good, and acting.
DH:When you say it like this, it seems right! HA!
<cool>So other than what I mentioned just now, is there anything else to add?
DH:I am still lacking… all lacking(in mandarin)
SM:Then its “all lacking terminator”?
<cool>The other members all agree?
SM: (panic)Ah.. nonono…..
DH:Because I will keep continuing to work hard, so “Hardworking Terminator”
RW: I am “Pretty Terminator” ,”Visual Terminator”(acts cool~)
<cool>May I know where you get your confidence from?
RW:When compared to EH, I get confident hahahahah
EH:From what I see you have gone mad…
<cool>Poor EH
EH:(don’t under stand what i said just wanna talk) For me? I am “Humble Terminator”
<cool> Everyone agrees?
RW:I think he is “NEEDS TO BE Humble terminator”
EH:I like to put myself down, don’t like telling people that I am great (acting)
Others: A..HEI!
SM:REally hope you become like this….
KH:Ah… so it seems like he is “Arrogant Terminator”
EH:(mandarin) nonono! Who do you believe more?
<cool> er….Seems like everyone else is more believable.
<cool>Next would be SM
SM: Me… lets let the members judge
All: “Cute Terminator”!
SM: nono(he is the one who let others judge now he denies…)
EH:He seems like “speedy terminator”
EH: Really very quick. When our group is on the move, he would always be 100 m ahead.
<cool>So he is a impatient person?
RW: Not impatient, he just wants to lead like get up first, take care of the members first, he always completes it first.
<cool>With such a personality, what do the members do that you don’t like?
SM:Those who are difficult to wake up. Even when it is time, they would say “so tired” “don’t want to get up” This kind of members… there are many.
RW:Sungmin is the most healthy. Wakes up early~(change of tone)
<cool>That is why he looks to young(childlike)
All: Ah~ * i do’nt know how to trans*
EH:Oh! I remember! Ryeowook is :breakfast terminator” Ah. At the highest form.
RW:Because I often stay in hotel, I would eat hotel breakfast, did not miss it once… Sometimes the fans would come, so i would wake up even earlier, go have breakfast then come back to rest.
<cool>Asking in anger, You eat so much, where do all the meat go?(direct trans)
RW:Because I don’t eat supper at night….
<cool>Really healthy„, Henry so which terminator are you?
Henry:I am “hard working terminator”
<cool> Donghae took it. Another one.
KH:He is “Sleeping Terminator”
Others:(thinking) ah.. nono. He is “Playing Terminator”
RW:To him, having playing is very important.
<cool>So this fits in the “the older you get the earlier you sleep, the younger you are the later you sleep” law.
SM:KH too he is the “Gaming Terminator”
RW:I guess you would already know, no need to second guess he is “gaming terminator”
<cool>Still addicted now?
EH:Today he played a game first before he came.
Translator (reveals!): I heard that he is the kind who works hard and plays hard.
RW:right! When in school, there are such students.
<cool>KH do you have moments when you feel that you are really awesome?
EH:Can’t be….
KH:I came to china and learnt chinese and went to japan and learnt japanese
SM:Ai… I actually wanted to help you put in a few good words…
KH:In korea, I still have to learn korean, when I remember lyrics in different languages, I feel that I am really awesome.
SM:If there are those concerts which are two days in a row, others would sing the same song. He would choose to sing different songs. That kind of obsession over music and dance is really awesome.
<cool>Then there is nothing that KH can’t do?
KH:When I lose a game, I can’t sleep at night. Because of that, I would play til dawn…
Pocket Boy Battle~
Earlier on, Cool magazine collated the responses of the readers and made a “Pocket boy” chart.Most of SJ-M’s members are nominated. If you can pick your own Pocket boy. Who would you pick out of the members?
RW:(mandarin)Don’t have don’t have! All don’t have….
ZM: Siwon Siwon
RW: He is too huge, can he go in?
ZM: Because Siwon is really big an strong, he can protect me whereever we go. People liek me who need a body guard… hahaha  ( i can’t read the last part the article is too small)
DH:(softly)Siwon can’t even take care of himself.
<cool>What about the rest? If they are useful in anyway you can pick them.
SM:Must be someone from the members?
<cool>If its possible you…..
SM:I want to put the fans in my pocket!
Others: Ai~~~~~~~~~ Why are you like this Hyung,….Really not interesting… so cold(lame)
RW:I would pick my parents. Because I can’t see them often.
EH: This can’t be… You want to put your parents in your pocket? And take them out to lookat them?
EH: I pick ZM. Because I need him for china’s activies. Like an electronic dictionary. Can take him out anytime to use. For eg. like when i want to go to places to play, i need him. When at the hotel, i can say “ZM order the food!” when on the hired bus “ZM go here…go there…”
DH:If that’s the case, All the members are ok. I want Sungmin hyung who has cute expressions. When playing games, I will take Kyuhyun out to play for me, When i want to write songs, I will take Henry, if i want to dance, i would get EH to teach me and accompany me. IF I want to shop, i would take ZM.
Other members:So? So who do you want to put in your pocket ehhhhhhhhh????ah ah ah ah ah ?
<cool>If there is something you can take from one of the members, what would it be?
KH:I want Henry’s youth
<cool>What? There is not much difference in the age.
KH:(greedy thing)Even if its like this, I still want.
SM:I want Eunhyuk’s ability to eat without growing fat.
ZM:I want Eunhyuk’s body. Because tho Siwon’s body is good, but it is too tough. I think Eunhyuk’s is better.
<cool>So you want the height to decrease too?
ZM: (panic)I still want my height! ITs just the muscles… want the same ask him
KH:I want Ryeowook’s cooking skills.
RW:I want Kyuhyun’s gaze. Very handsome gaze. Handsome appearance.
KH:Eh? Eng? En? Ah? You joking? Making fun of me?
RW: Nope~ Kyuhyun is really handsome!
EH:I don’t need anything, other than Siwon’s money. [homg you would]
Others: ah?!!!! This can’t be… This is too much~Why are you like this.
EH:This is from my heart.
SM:I want donghae’s relations.
<cool>It would be really tough if there is too many people.
SM:It is because he is really close with many members.The way he treats people is also really good.
Henry: I want siwon’s big eyes.
All:HAHHAHA This is from his heart. Really!
RW:Ah~ Big eyes. ZMZM.
Henry: Yes. Anyway it is just their big eyes. I don’t care whose it is. As long as its big eyes.
<cool>Lastly, say something to the fans who Support Super Junior and SJ-M.
KH: (self volunteered rep)Thank you everyone!(mandarin)
<cool> eh? no more?
RW:Next I will say something, (really accurate mandarin) To meet everyone, we would try to participate in more tv shows, fanmeets, performances etc. Hope everyone would support us. Thank you everyone!
ZM:Because we haven’t been active for about a year and a half, Everyone have been suspecting and worrying about SJ-M. But this time we are back and would have more activities in the future and meet with everyoen more often. Really thank you everyone!
Scans by: hyunlove
Translated by: FayeriELF

Shared by @raichanxd
Reupload and Posted by: reneee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)
2 April:Immersed in Practicing Chinese SJ-M Donghae Does Not Let One Second Slip By

Donghae Makes Use of Spare Time During Schedules to Often Practice Chinese.
Super Junior-M (SJ-M) will appear on Mickey Huang’s UFO Radio programme as special guests for the Chinese-Korean education section.  The members pre-recorded the programme on 1 April, Donghae who is about to film an idol drama made the most of his time to learn Chinese, while Mickey Huang was interviewing other people, he opened the Chinese-Korean electronic dictionary he carries around, working hard with his head down to practice Chinese.
Yesterday Mickey Huang also presented the members with EasyCards, tickets to the International Flora Expo and shopping bags, which would allow SJ-M to comfortably tour Taipei.  SJ-M is diligently learning Chinese, recently they have made great improvements, Ryeowook says that when he went to buy bubble tea, there weren’t small cups that could be bought, so he changed and ordered a medium cup, also requesting “a little more pearls”.

Source: China Times
Translated by: purple_princess@sapphirepearls.com
Do not edit the translation | Do not add additional credits
SJ-M hit each other during games on Taiwan’s programme, Siwon’s expression changed while Kyuhyun was close to tears
Internal strife within SJ-M, fiercely spanking each others’ bottom! Dong Feng’s <<Let’s Make Friends>> had earlier held an interview with SJ-M at the OLDIE GOODIE restaurant and the entrance was crowded with fans. During the programme, the members showed their talents, played games and during the “YES OR NO” segment, Zhoumi chose NO, and that gave him the authority to hit the other members’ bottoms. He first chose to hit Siwon. Siwon thought that Zhoumi would lift (the cane) high but give him a soft hit. Unexpectedly, Zhoumi does not give chance when it comes to hitting someone, pa!* The pain caused Siwon’s expression to change on the spot.
Siwon turned around pretending to be angry, seized the “little hand”** that Zhoumi likes and unexpectedly broke the “little hand” while waving it. In the end, the members decided to mutually hit each others’ bottom! Among them, Eunhyuk hit Donghae, from his bottom onwards all the way to the calf of the leg giving him 3 to 4 extra hits causing Donghae to feel that it’s unfair. Henry hit Kyuhyun the hardest and the pain caused Kyuhyun to shout aloud with his crying voice saying: “It’s as if it’s been hurting for 10 years.”
Eunhyuk also showed a small part of the “rabbit’s dance”, Siwon played the drums, Ryeowook played the keyboard, Sungmin performed the nunchucks while Zhoumi danced to his song “Miss Chic”. Other members danced along with him and everyone had tremendous fun. Donghae who has very high popularity in Taiwan carelessly chose the bitter guard and his expression changed massively after one bite. When Micky Huang requested Donghae to eat a little more, Donghae replied using Chinese: “That’s outrageous!” Micky Huang was startled with Donghae’s ability to use such advanced level of Chinese.
*sound of someone getting hit
**I assume that it’s the instrument they used as pointers?
SOURCE: iFensi.com
Translated by: KyU Is L♥Ve@SJ-WORLD.NET
Posted: avfh! (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)
CCTV3 Happy Fan Meeting – Super Junior M [ENG SUB]
Part 1/4
Part 2/4
Part 3/4
Part 4/4
Credit: MDQEChristine @ youtube
Posted by: reneee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

Super Junior M Promo Clip for Meng Niu Music Chart

Credits: Meng Niu Music Chart’s Weibo | 2pinkninja @ youtube
Posted by: reneee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

Super Junior M on MTV Tian Lai Cun Preview

Credit: RaiBaka @ youtube
Posted by: reneee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

Super Junior M on Channel [V] I Love JK Preview

April 4th Preview
April 5th Preview
Credit: I Love JK’s Facebook | Reuploaded by. Blue★Princez + ♥~pinkninja @ SJ-WORLD.NET (blueprincez8 @ youtube)
Posted by: reneee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

Super Junior M Exclusive Interview in COOL Magazine

EUNHYUK: Actually in this group, all the things that the magnae should be doing, are being done by me and Sungmin hyung…. bringing and pouring tea and all those things are frequently done by us, as well as massaging the other members, we’ve done all sorts of good things. (Sungmin smiles, gratified~)
OTHER MEMBERS: They’ve never done that! …… he’s lying! …..it’s totally never happened…..!
KYUHYUN: What? Massage? That has really never happened.
EUNHYUK: Actually, I always do it when everyone is asleep. I secretly massage you all, so that’s why you have no memory of it……
KYUHYUN: Ahhh! I lock my door when I sleep, how did you get in? That’s ridiculous! (in Chinese)
KYUHYUN: Even though we haven’t announced a leader for this comeback, we all more or less acknowledge that it’s Sungmin hyung, because he’s the oldest and takes care of all of us.
COOL: As far as I know, Sungmin’s appearance on TV is really cute, but he’s more manly in private.
ZHOU MI: Yeah, yeah! Like when we’re rehearsing dance, Sungmin hyung will call for everyone to practice together, or have everyone do something together. All the things that are more instructive are said by him, which is why we sort of have tacitly agreed that he’s the leader.
COOL: So do you teach your hyungs weird Chinese?
HENRY: No, no…
COOL: Because you’re a good person?
HENRY: Yeah! I’m a good person.
ZHOU MI: Actually, he’s not a good person, it’s just that his abilities are limited…
ALL: hahahahahaha
COOL: Then, Zhou Mi, do you those sorts of things?
ZHOU MI: I don’t, I only teach them good Chinese. (HENRY cuts in: Me too.) But their attention always focuses on the weirdest things, I want to teach them useful Chinese but they always ask me about really weird words, words even I don’t know….
COOL: Such as?
ZHOU MI: They’ll bring me Chinese books and ask me what certain words mean, and those words will all be things we don’t usually use at all, so I just say “I don’t know.”
COOL: This time your main single is “Perfection,” so a lot of people want to ask questions like, “Who’s the most perfect member of the group?” But we want to know, what’s something about you that you don’t think is perfect enough?
KYUHYUN: Who should go first? Let’s play rock paper scissors~
OTHER MEMBERS: Why don’t you just go first!
KYUHYUN: Oh~ I guess I’ll go first (defeated). Because I’m in charge of singing for the group, so I always think that my singing ability isn’t good enough, (COOL: No way!!!!) and whenever I get the time I will always practice singing, and whenever people say that I’m the best singer in the group, my expectations for myself become even greater (COOL: Wow! So moving!!!!)
HENRY: I think the imperfect thing about me is my appearance, because everything else can be improved with hard work, but appearance can’t be changed…..
COOL: There’s a Chinese saying that goes “Reality is borne from the heart,” if you keep thinking that you’re handsome, you will be! You have to be self-confident! You know?
HENRY: Yeah….
EUNHYUK: I don’t think I have enough muscle, if I could grow more that’d be great.
OTHER MEMBERS: Hehehe! You’re sitting next to Zhou Mi, and you have the guts to say that?
EUNHYUK: Ah! I’m sorry! I shouldn’t say that in front of Zhou Mi hyung. So I need to modify that, I should say my figure isn’t good enough.
COOL: But after 3jib it seems like you had improved a lot in this regard, weren’t you always stripping on stage, a couple of days ago at the Shanghai concert, you did the same……
EUNHYUK: FUFUFUFU…. (covers face~) I didn’t strip that often, did you see? Aaaaahhh! (COOL, thinking: More than ten thousand people saw….) I am one of those people that naturally doesn’t gain weight, so I keep working hard at it.
ZHOU MI: Because I’m also one of the members in charge of singing, it’s like Kyuhyun said, those sorts of words make it so that the singers want to sing even better. The other thing is dancing, originally I wanted to be able to show off some dancing for this album, but because preparation times were too short, I’m both really excited and really worried I didn’t prepare enough.
KYUHYUN: If I’m gaming and I lose, I can’t fall asleep, so like today, because I wanted to win too badly, I kept playing until morning…
COOL: If you could pick one of the members to keep in your pocket who would you pick?
SUNGMIN: (in Chinese) No one no one! None of them……
ZHOU MI: Siwon, Siwon……
OTHER MEMBERS: Wha wha wha what!!! Why?! (whooping)
RYEOWOOK: He’s too big, how can you fit him [in your pocket]?
ZHOU MI: Because Siwon’s really strong, he can protect me no matter where I am, and I’m the type of person that needs to be protected…… hahahaha, because I’m thin.
DONGHAE: (very quietly) Siwon can’t even take care of himself.
COOL: If you could take one thing from one of the other members, what would it be?
KYUHYUN: I want Henry’s youth.
COOL: What? I thought there was very little difference?
KYUHYUN: (greedy) Even if that’s the case, I still want it!
COOL: ………………….. (defeated)
SUNGMIN: I want Eunhyuk’s ability to eat as much as he wants without getting fat.
ZHOU MI: I want Eunhyuk’s figure, because even though Siwon’s is really good, it’s too muscular, I prefer Eunhyuk’s. COOL: Then you also have to take the reduction in height?
ZHOU MI: (anxiously) No, I’m keeping mine! I still want to keep my legs! It’s his muscles, I want his muscle build.
KYUHYUN: I want Ryeowook’s ability to cook.
RYEOWOOK: I want Kyuhyun’s stare, it’s really handsome, his appearance is just really good-looking.
KYUHYUN: Ee? Uh? Ah? Are you joking? Are you trying to make me laugh?
RYEOWOOK: No~ Kyuhyun is really handsome!
EUNHYUK: I don’t need anything. Just Siwon’s money.
OTHER MEMBERS: Huh?!!! No way… This is too much~ Why would you say that~
EUNHYUK: (palms to heart) I mean it.
ALL: Hahahahahahhaa!
SUNGMIN: I want all of Donghae’s emotions.
COOL: But if you have too many, your life becomes that much harder.
SUNGMIN: It’s because he gets along with all the members, and it’s really easy for him to communicate with other people.
HENRY: I want Siwon’s big eyes.
OTHER MEMBERS: Hahahaha! This is real, this is definitely real!
RYEOWOOK: Ah~ big eyes, Zhou Mi, Zhou Mi.
HENRY: Yeah. Anyway, all of their big eyes. Doesn’t matter whose, I just want big eyes.
ALL: Hahahhaaahhahaa….
When the members started talking all over each other, [Kyuhyun] would say, in precise Mandarin, “Quiet!” to settle everyone down. And once Zhou Mi tong xue [T/N: classmate] was “narcissistic” for a moment, Kyuhyun immediately said “Thick-skinned!” in Chinese…
Translated by @zhouminews (@evaporate)
Repost by Rhyuu (www.sup3rjunior.com)

Chinese EPOP Magazine Issue 304

Translation for page 10: -
Super Junior-M is going to have a long term stay in Taiwan
Currently, Super Junior-M fufils their wish of having a long term stay in Taiwan. On one hand it is because the members want to learn Chinese, on the other it is because members Donghae and Siwon have been casted in a Taiwanese Drama. The other members will also use this opportunity to become spokespersons of commercials, and expressed that the prices for them to become spokesperson can be negotiatable. SJ-M wants to learn the Taiwanese lifestyle as soon as possible,so they want to go out to the streets to shop but their fans are following them so closely that they are unable to go as planned. To learn Chinese, they also employed a Chinese teacher, Kyuhyun expressed that he learned more sentences such as “Why is this like this?” and “I’m hungry” in Taiwanese dialect. In this period of time, SJ-M has also tried out Taiwanese delicacies, Henry’s mother also treat the members to eat chicken. Recently joined Eunhyuk is not used to Taiwan dishes thus he went to the super market to buy a huge amount of kimchi whereas Sungmin adapted quite well to the delicacies and eat til he is very full each time.
Translation for page 12: 
The tremendous improvement in Chinese of Super Junior M.
Eunhyuk: At some places, we speak wrong languages.
SJ-M went to Hong Kong for . Super Junior M who did not go to Hong Kong for a very long time, has shown tremendous improvement in their Chinese, members Eunhyuk even expressed that (he) wants to use this chance to go sightseeing in Hong Kong! When interviewed, Zhoumi expressed that he wants to try many local Hong Kong delicacies. Sungmin, said that it is taking a toll on them as they filmed two MVs in one day (the Chinese and the Korean version of ) but for the recording of Director Chou(Jay Chou)’s song , it was difficult as its lyrics are slightly fast. When asked on the whole who would Super Junior-M like to work with, they replied that they must let Andy Lau and Henry Lau(SJ-M member) work together, whereas Zhoumi really like Angie Xie and Joey Yong and wished that for the next album, SJ-M can work with female Hong Kong singers.
Chinese of SJ-M members have improved tremendously, Siwon revealed that Donghae is better at speaking in Chinese; Kyuhyun is more familiar with ; whereas I am better at speaking business “language” whereas with each recording, Ryeowook has realized that his pronounciation has come naturally; ZhouMi can speak Cantonese more fluently. Eunhyuk said that at some places, they speak the wrong language! When they were at Italy, they thank the waiter in Chinese and accidentally spoke Japanese in China. Lastly, SJ-M said that to bring themselves and their fans closer together, they will participate in various shows and activites. This time, Donghae said that, when you join activities and concerts, you have to buy tickets and queue, come and find me in my dreams tonight! No need to buy tickets, no need to queue, come in to my dreams and call me. Thank you and good night everybody! SJ-M even said that during their fifth album, maybe they will hold similar activities to gather their fans like this..
Translation for page 13 : -
Siwon and Donghae to act in Taiwanese Drama. Both to stay in Taiwan for four months.
Super Junior’s Choi Siwon and Lee Donghae confirmed to act in GTV 8′s new drama , for the filming, they would stay in Taiwan for four months. Both of them are very cooperative in terms of their food, clothes, lodging and transportation, their only request is for their accomodation location to be kept a secret and for them to have privacy in their lodgings, which need not be a hotel. The best choice is that their lodging building to have a facility whereby the swiping of cards is needed to activate the lifts to bring them to their rooms. Both of them have high expectations of their works, but are easy going towards arrangements of their lives, there are no special requests for 5-star hotels or extra security. This resulted in GTV 8′s vice president to say that even though there are some Taiwanese artists that have smaller overseas market compared to Korean artists but they have higher demands. is a remake of a Japanese manga . Actually the fliming was supposed to begin two years ago but due to some circumstances it has been pushed back till now with a finalized cast members of Choi Siwon, Lee Donghae, Ivy Chen and Bianca Bai. Director Niu Cheng Ze who was supposed to have directed the drama, now becomes the producer while Feng Jia Rui will take over the director’s seat.
Scanned + Shared by: Munny @ iRyeowookELF.wordpress.com
Translated by: Germaine @ iRyeowookELF.wordpress.com

Reupload and Posted by: starkarz (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

Super Junior-M In MTV Taiwan: Grade A Entertainment

Credits: asami821014 + twnexttv @ YT
Shared at: icepluscoffee.wordpress.com
Reupload & Posted by: 
Melody (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)
Full Cut

Super Junior on “Let’s Be Friends” Preview

Credit: 2pinkninja @ youtube
Posted by: reneee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

Super Junior M on Taiwanese variety show Love JK

On March 30th, Super Junior M was a special invited guest on Channel V’s “Love JK,” a Taiwanese variety show hosted by Jacky Wu.
There, the Super Junior M members were tested on their ability to speak Mandarin, where Siwon received great feedback after he recited a Chinese poem. In another game segment, he managed to get everything right and expressed his happiness like a child. There was even a game modeled after those found in night markets, where the members pulled out a whole repertoire of strange tricks. Siwon performed so well that Jacky Wu exclaimed, “I should really bring you to the night market to play!”
Their overflowing charm drew hordes of fans, many of whom waited outside the studio while Super Junior M were filming. Inside, Super Junior M performed a dance. Upon seeing it, co-host Wu Jian Heng decided he wanted to try learning it too, with Eunhyuk being the designated teacher in the end. Alas, Wu Jian Heng was not too outstanding a student, causing Siwon to comment, “You look like you’re doing kungfu!” Super Junior M however kindly assured Wu by saying that they were even slower at picking up dances before their debut.

Siwon further showed how hardworking he was when he kept asking Kyuhyun how to recite a particular line of a Chinese poem.
Super Junior M has been too busy to visit any of Taiwan’s famed night markets. To rectify this, the producers brought all the delicacies of the markets to the studio: fried chicken, braised snacks, vermicelli, green onion pancakes, bubble tea, bean curd and rice cakes. On hearing that there was bubble tea, Super Junior M hugged each other in excitement. The scent of the food wafted throughout the studio, but of course, it wouldn’t be so easy for them to get to actually eat it. They first had to perform in little games, where Sungmin performed splits, Ryeowook constantly clamored for help from his fellow members, and Siwon threw rings over bottles. Siwon eventually succeeded with two bottles in his ring-tossing game, and happily enjoyed his choice of braised snacks.
Source: Sina, koreabooPosted by elf101586@sup3rjunior.wordpress.com

31 Maret:SUPER JUNIOR-M experiences Taiwan’s night market delicacies, especially loves bubble tea
SUPER JUNIOR-M experiences Taiwan’s night market delicacies, especially loves bubble tea
CHANNEL [V]’s “I Love JK” hosted by Ken Wu Jian Heng specially invited Super Junior-M to the recording location today (30/3). While testing the members’ Chinese levels, Super Junior-M’s Siwon strived hard to show his Chinese by reciting poetry, receiving favourable feedbacks from the audiences. When they were guessing famous local products, Siwon looked closely at the Chinese words written behind each individual item, comparing each and every word. He unexpectedly answered all the questions correctly and was happy like a child. When they spoke about the games at the night market, all the members began to demonstrate various weird tricks. Sungmin did a split, Ryeowook relied on the members’ strengths while Siwon used his own skill to successfully toss two hoops around the bottles causing Ken Wu to shout: “I should take you to the night market to play games.”
Super Junior’s presence at “I Love JK”’s recording location raised a lot of attention, their unwavering charm causing the fans to wait outside the recording venue. After watching Super Junior-M performing their dance on-site, Ken Wu expressed that he too would like to learn. Eunhyuk took up the role as the little teacher to teach Ken Wu the choreography, and unexpectedly, Ken managed to learn up the dance steps. When Ken was asked to show the dance, Siwon said: “It’s like he is performing martial arts!” Super Junior-M expressed that before being part of the showbiz industry, they were slower than Ken when it came to learning dance.
During the Chinese test segment, Eunhyuk held the board with Siwon’s name written upside down. In the end they had to depend on eye contact to decide whose name was written on the board. Siwon, who was rather serious when it comes to learning Chinese, kept asking Kyuhyun how to recite his famous poem. This demonstrated his great effort in learning Chinese, allowing the audience to feel his seriousness. Even when they were asked to guess the origins of the famous local products, he was closely reading the product descriptions, comparing the manufacturing place of each product. In the end, Siwon answered all 5 questions correctly causing him to dance and gesticulate with joy, making him look like a child.
Super Junior-M, who has been very busy since arriving in Taiwan said that they have yet to have the chance to go around the night market in Taiwan. Therefore “I Love JK” had instead brought the night market delicacies to the recording location. There was the salted chicken, marinades, fine noodles, deep fried scallion dough cake, bubble tea, beancurd dessert and rice cake. The Super Junior-M members started hugging each other in joy upon hearing the phrase ‘bubble tea’, and they were exceptionally excited. The recording venue was filled with delicious aroma, but it’s not that simple to have a taste of the delicacies. Super Junior-M had to pass the night market’s little game. They have to successfully toss the hoops around the bottle in order to have the opportunity to enjoy the delicacies. The members continuously used various methods. Sungmin did a split and hence managed to taste the delicacies. Ryeowook did a bridge with the support of members and managed to place the hoop around the bottle. Siwon, on the other hand, used his own skill and with astonishing accuracy, he successfully tossed the hoops around two bottles. He happily enjoyed the marinade dishes.
Due to the fact that Aries was the most common horoscrope amongst the Super Junior-M member, “I Love JK” held birthday celebrations for the April babies on-site. The atmosphere was extraordinarily lively. Super Junior-M also secretly prepared a cake to celebrate Ken Wu’s birthday causing him to be so surprised, and there were unceasing joy and happiness at the recording location.
30 Maret:YG Magazine Mid – March Issue 368

Translation for page 6: -
Super Junior – M continues…their perfection!

Oh ~ Perfection …… how can anyone not let them continue to be perfect! Super Junior-M, after a long absence, is now on Main Characters (主流人物)!

We can say that Super Junior M’s comeback is a better new start~ with ‘new members’ added – Sungmin and Eunhyuk, the band of course will have different big hit! We believe that there’s a lot of people wondering about the feelings and moments between the new combination of Super Junior M. Without taking any more time, let’s bring along ‘Perfection’ and ‘Love is Sweet’ to read what story did Super Junior M shared!

Translated by: Elly @ iRyeowookELF.wordpress.com

Translation for page 7: -
1. Kyuhyun admitted that Super Junior M is PER-FEC-TION! – The album is named “Perfection” which is a really great album title! As this is a new start, of course we should start with a perfect impression~ The album is perfect, performances are perfect, members showing off their perfect unique outlook too. But there are a little bit of sacrifices behind all these perfections!
2. Kyuhyun and Siwon : “The ‘new members’ can’t be left out!” – “Newly added members”, Sungmin and Eunhyuk, had been praised by “old members” Donghae, Kyuhyun, Siwon, Henry and Zhoumi that with them joining in Super Junior M had helped a lot!
3. “New members”, Sungmin and Eunhyuk, envy Super Junior M! – Sungmin and Eunhyuk, as new members of SJ-M, have a lot of share with everyone about being a part of Super Junior M. Especially on challenging singing Chinese songs, have they met any problems when singing before? While facing the “older members’” praise, how will they reply?
4. Kyuhyun, Henry love Jay Chou the most! – A popular topic was created because of a Chinese song “Love is Sweet” in Super Junior M’s mini album this time, which was written and composed by Jay Chou and Vincent Fang. At the same time, many netizens are curious about how Super Junior M perform the song Jay Chou wrote! Among the members, Kyuhyun and Henry are the two who really like Jay Chou. When asked about the collaboration with Jay Chou everyone, Kyuhyun always excitedly share his thoughts about it.
Translation for the white chat bubble:-
1. Kyuhyun : The album “Perfection” has two different versions, there are Chinese and Korean version respectively. Due to this, our MV shooting duration were doubled than usual. We almost didn’t sleep well for 2-3 days, it was more tiring. But when the MV came out, I think us 8 members are really “too perfect”!
2. Siwon : Sungmin is like the Liu Bei from the story ‘Three Kingdoms’, he is really merciful and kind, is full of knowledges too. I want to continue work hard and become a man like him!
3. Kyuhyun : Eunhyuk is a person with positive and cheerful personality, he really like to make joke and frequently bring the mood up among us. This makes him an essential member in SJ-M!
4. Sungmin : During the old times, when SJ-M came back to Korea after promotions overseas, they will always show off about how nice the fans were and how delicious the food were in other countries, to be honest, I felt a little envious! Now, I am SJ-M’s maknae (the article printed out wrongly, he is supposed to be the eldest ^^), I will learn more from my ‘sunbaes’! This is my first time trying Chinese songs, the pronunciation were really difficult for me, that’s why Zhoumi always help me. Actually, I was worried before the first recording, but the members said my pronunciation were accurate after the song recording has ended, so I gained more confident~ My pronunciation is even better than Henry, hehe! I promised everyone, I will try my best to learn Chinese, I hope I could communicate with fans in Chinese next time, and when that time comes, I guess I will receive even more loves!
5. Kyuhyun : When I first heard about Jay Chou, I didn’t really pay much attention on him~ Until I watched his movie “A secret which can’t be told”, I was deeply attracted into his charm in the movie, and even re-watched it for more than 10 times! After that, our members and I met Jay Chou in real life when he first collaborate with Korean in Korea, I thought he was really friendly and really like him! When I first listened to the song “Love is Sweet”, I feel that the melody is very nice. So I kept practicing the Chinese lyrics, hoping to sing the song better, but the lyrics are too difficult for me. I wasn’t really satisfied after listening to the outcome of “Love is Sweet” song recording, honestly, I was very nervous during the recording. I like this song very much, and listens to it frequently!
6. Henry : Eventhough the song “Off My Mind” in this album is written by me, maybe because of the reason I listen to it too often, the song is somehow annoying. Actually I like the song Jay Chou and teacher Vincent Fang wrote, “Love is Sweet” most~ I listen to Jay Chou’s song since young, that’s why I really like his songs, I have never thought of this day when we could sing Jay Chou’s written song for us.
Translated by: Elly @ iRyeowookELF.wordpress.com
Translation for page 8: -
5.Siwon and Kyuhyun have some artists that they want to work together with !
Since (SJ-M) already conquered into the Chinese market plus there are numerous singers in the Chinese market, regardless Hong Kong, Taiwan or China, have many outstanding and popular artists. Super Junior- M who had only released (their) third album, has already work together with Jay Chou (Zhou Jie Lun) and Vincent Fang (Fang Wen Shan). So (we) believe if next time they have the opportunity (to work together with other artists), there should have some artists that they wish to work together with~ Want to know who is it? Going to reveal now!
6.Zhoumi’s and Henry’s diligently works!
Super Junior- M is not a “buy soy sauce”* group that just conquer into Chinese music market , (they are) a group that are serious when performing, singing, dancing etc, and also very serious toward composing and writing. There are Zhoumi’s and Henry’s works in this album! Although (the works) is not many, both of them honestly said that they are still very persist on composing and writing
*[A/N : "buy soy sauce" (打酱油) is a internet slang which mean something like passer-by, none of my business. For more info , please go to http://bit.ly/hy9vzW http://bit.ly/huaFir ]
7.Super Juniior- M old and new members disclose each other’s secrets Time!
Although Super Juniior- M had rearrange, the relationship and atmosphere among Super Juniior- M are still harmonious. The 8 members are so harmonious til they can’t hold to disclose each other’s secrets.~ Plus Eunhyuk who is eloquent, joined the group, the atmosphere had become more lively and he is not person that you can messed with. Although (his) Chinese is not very good, (he) still can tease other members all the time !
1st Secret : Are Eunhyuk’s legs more beautiful than ladies’ ?
Eunhyuk : Compare to average girls, my figure is not bad !
Sungmin : Yes~ His legs look very sexy !
Siwon : Just only his leg’s hairs are many when compare to the normal girls !
2nd Secret : Fan asked Donghae for his signature in the middle of the night?
Eunhyuk: We had our concert in China ~ That time, every members had his own room, one fan sneaked into Donghae’s room in the middle of the night. I also don’t know how she do that ~~ Then she keep on calling Donghae by his name, Donghae finally woke up and sign for her !
Kyuhyun : I was in Donghae’s room too. I thought (the fan) is someone that Donghae knew but Donghae thought that I knew her, so at that time, it happened naturally.
Eunhyuk : That fan, Donghae maybe will revenge on you, go to your house and find you !
3rd Secret : Is Kyuhyun really naughty?
Zhoumi : Actually when I teach other members Chinese, is okay. When I corrected them, they will listen. Only Kyuhyun, he is really naughty. Because Kyuhyun’s pronunciation is too good, sometimes I will correct his pronunciation, (I) said the pronunciation seems wrong but he will tease me and said my pronunciation is not correct, and said ” Hyung, your pronunciation is not good” !
Translation for the white chat bubble:-
7. Kyuhyun : I wish I can work together with A-Mei ( Zhang Hui Mei ), just only me ! Haha~
8. Sungmin : I think there are many outstanding singers in Chinese music area, I hope SJ-M have opportunity to work together with many other artists in the Chinese music area.
9 Siwon : Actually through this album, I really feel that there are many outstanding singers in Chinese music area. If need to say the one in my heart that I really want to work together with and that will be my forever hyungnim in my heart, Andy Lau hyung !
10. Henry : There is one song called “Off My Mind” in our album, I wrote this song together with the college friends of my American friend. I wrote the Chinese lyrics by myself but my Chinese standard is not very good so I put in lots of efforts to write this song for everyone. Hope everyone will like this song.
11. Zhoumi : Actuallly I have a dream which is I hope I have a chance to participate in every SJ-M albums’ works ! I wrote three songs’ lyrics in the 1st album and only wrote two songs’ lyrics in the 2nd album. I try to write different types of lyrics like fast song, slow song and I want to try composing too ~ Hope (I) have the chances in the future to create more good music to let everyone listen.
Translation for Photo Captions:-
1. Why Donghae’s and Henry’s actions are so identical ?
2. This is how Eunhyuk look when he is serious !
3. Is Ryeowook “shouted cut” ?
4. Zhoumi’s killer smile !
5. Stare-ing ~
6. Zhoumi singing affectionately VS Sungmin singing with a smile, you like which one ?
7. Always handsome, Siwon !
8. Look-ing ~
Translated by: Atnes @ iZhoumiELF
Translation for page 9 :-

Translation for Photo Captions: – 
1. Ryeowook support on Sungmin shoulder!
2. Zhoumi had fun playing the game!
3. Is Kyuhyun instructing Zhoumi to go over there?
4. Sungmin confronting Ryeowook!
5. Donghae small action!
6. Are the both of them punish to perform cute dance?
7. Siwon is full of expression!
8. After whispering to Donghae, Eunhyuk continue to listen to Henry whisper!
9. Is Henry drawing hurdling?
10. Looks like Henry have something to tell Eunhyuk~
11. Eunhyuk missing KTR?
12. This is how a gentleman should look like~
13. This is Super Junior M hand gesture ok!
14. Even with a shock expression, Siwon still look so gentleman!
15. Zhoumi & Siwon playing games, the three of them at the side start chatting away!
16. The start of interviewing…..
17. Siwon continue his gentleman!
18. What private conversation did Ryeowook and Sungmin had?
19. Omo~ Sungmin pinching Henry’s small face!
20. Is Ryeowook daydreaming?
21. The members are having interview in the front, whereas EunHae started their private conversation behind!
Translated by: Flora @ iRyeowookELF.wordpress.com
Scanned + Shared by: Munny @ iRyeowookELF.wordpress.com
Translated by: Elly + Flora @ iRyeowookELF + Atnes @ iZhoumiELF
Reupload and Posted by: reneee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

28 Maret:

Having arrived in Taipei last Thursday, it was revealed that the Super Junior-M members would be staying in Taiwan for two months to promote their latest mini-album, “Perfection

SJ-M is a sub-unit of Super Junior’s and their members consist of Si Won, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Henry, Zhou MiEunhyuk and Sungmin.
The boys will be staying in a rented apartment, and are scheduled to take Mandarin lessons everyday from a local teacher. Out of the eight members, Si Won and Donghae have been described as being the most adept at the language. Si Won has been learning Mandarin for three years now, and is able to converse fluently. As for Donghae, he feels that he is really good at pronouciation, and is really skilled at pick-up lines.
Hilariously, Kyuhyun remarked, “His prounciation is really terrible!”
Eunhyuk is still adjusting to the local cuisine, and bought a big bundle of kimchi from a market the day before. As for Sungmin, he seems to have adapted really well. The star commented, “I am eating very well, I think I put on weight.” Meanwhile, Henry said, “My mum is in Taipei, so she cooked salt baked chicken for us.”
Although they would like to tour Taipei, the sight of fans hiring vehicles and chasing them around has led them to becoming a bit more reclusive instead. Donghae sighed, “I wish we could tour Taipei normally and we hope that fans don’t stick to us so closely and give us some private space.”
Besides promoting with SJ-M, Donghae and Si Won will also be staying an additional two months to film for the Taiwanese drama, “Extravagant Challenge“, opposite Ivy Chen and Bianca Bai.
Although neither have met the girls yet, Zhou Mi is already worrying about Donghae’s height disparity and joked, “Don’t stand next to her!”
Si Won already peeped the girls’ photos, and said in Mandarin, “I think they are really pretty and it’s an honor to be filming the drama with them.”
As for kissing scenes, Si Won expressed, “I understand that there are kissing scenes in the comic, but I have not gotten the script yet, so I do not know.” Donghae however stressed on the importance of having kiss scenes, “It’s not that I want it, but the viewers. Everyone loves romance.”
Eunhyuk joked, “Donghae always practices kiss scenes with his manager.”
Since their last album got nominated at the Golden Melody Awards, Zhou Mi is hoping for yet another nomination with their new album, which has already sold 20,000 copies thus far in Taiwan. He said, “We are focusing our efforts in Taiwan this time and if “Perfection” gets nominated, it will be perfection!”

[SJ] Super Junior sub unit [SJ-M] Super Junior M fulfiling the wish to come to Taiwan for a long stay, member Siwon and Donghae will be filming GTV Idol Drama “Skip Beat”,although they haven’t met the 2 main actresses Ivy Chen and Bianca Bai, but Zhou Mi already worry that Donghae’s height will become “shorter” because of Bianca Bai,smiled and suggested “Don’t stand beside her!”
Siwon: Taiwan stay for 4 months
[SJ-M] in order to expand into the Chinese market,arranged by management agency FuLong Production Co Ltd, 8 members reached Taiwan quietly on the 24th,putting long stay plans into action. Their previous album was nominated by Golden Melody Awards,this time Mandarin new album “Perfection” sales broke 20 000, Zhou Mi said “This time placing the focus in Taiwan, if Perfection gets nominated again, then it will be prefect!”
Siwon and Donghae filming Taiwan Idol drama for the first time, plans to be stayin in Taiwan for 4 months, before the press conference on 31st, 2 of them will be meeting the 2 main actresses Ivy Chen and Bianca Bai for the first time,Siwon who had already seen the photos said “I feel that they are very pretty, it’s my honour to be able to film with them.” And Donghae whose has a height of 177cm,got a cold bucket from Zhou Mi better not to stand beside Bianca Bai,in case he looks shorter.
Donghae joked, kiss scenes are filmed because of audience
Will you reject kiss scenes? Siwon said ” The original had kiss scenes at the end, but haven’t got the script,not sure if there will be.” But Donghae said blatantly must have kiss scenes,jokingly said “Not that I want it myself! It’s what audience what to see, everyone loves romantic love scenes.”Eunhyuk by the side joked “Donghae always practises kiss scenes with managers.”
As for the plans in Taiwan, other than learning Mandarin, hopes to have more different developments, Donghae and Kyuhyun together joked in Mandarin “Our prices are negotiable,food, beverages anything can do.” But when asked the places they would like to see? Donghae said in dismay “Cannot really go out, cause a lot of people will follow.”And hopes that fans can give them more privacy to fit into Taiwan’s lifestyle.
Credits: The Liberty Times
Translated by: Eternalhua@StringswithHenry

Posted by: reneee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

Acting and Hosting Azio program, Super Junior M comes to Taiwan for 2 Months

Super Junior M (SJ-M) Siwon, Donghae will be filming idol drama in Taiwan, previously with Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, Sungmin, Henry, Zhou Mi came to Taiwan,8 of them will be staying until end of May, during this period will also be recording Azio’s travel program. They live separately in 2 dorms,each dorm have 1 big 2 medium 1 small rooms,members played a game to choose their rooms,in the end Henry with the most luggages got the smallest room, making him want to cry when he goes into the room
Henry because brought his piano/keyboard,instruments,causing his luggages to weigh almost 100kg,the room is so small that it’s full just putting the luggages,luckily for the close relationship between members, yesterday Donghae willing changed room with him,saying “I’m a kind brother”, Henry replied mushily “I love you.”
Came to Taiwan for 3days, fans follow closely
Siwon and Donghae filming GTV Idol Drama “Skip Beat”, will soon meet up with one of the main actress Bianca Bai, Zhou Mi said “I told Donghae, don’t stand next to Bianca Bai,she is too tall.” Siwon said do not know whether there will be kiss scenes at the end like the original,Donghae then jokingly said he often practice kiss scenes with the 3 managers “Must have kiss scenes, not that I want it, audience want to see romantic love scenes.”
They are already in Taiwan for 3 days,their whereabouts are followed closely by fans, management agency urging fans to give them more privacy.Other than going for schedules,fan meetings, they will be learning Mandarin, Taiwan Dialect,record a program which will be introducing Taiwan local specialities and tourist attractions,broadcasting at Azio
Credits: 中國時報 Chinatimes
Translated by: Eternalhua@Stringswithhenry
Posted by elf101586@sup3rjunior.wordpress.com

[Engsub] TVB J2 Hong Kong Asian-Pop Music Festival – SJM Destiny + Talk + Perfection

SJM Taipei Living Arrangements – Super Dome staff report

When the topic turned to rooms during today’s tea with some journalists, the members had a small story they wanted to share:
The members have a routine when it comes to room assignments, and that is,
They’ll draw eight straight lines and some horizontal lines, and everyone chooses one line to walk on,
And whichever room they end up in is theirs! (Some rooms are bigger than others, this time, each of them gets their own room)
In the end, Henry, who brought over 100 kilos of luggage picked the smallest room,
(100 kilos of luggage?? Henry is really only staying for a little over two months??)
The members laughed at him: Everyday, Henry comes back to his room hugging his instruments and cases, crying…!
And then, Henry’s “dream lover” appeared,
Donghae volunteered to switch rooms with him.
“Because I’m your hyung, and I’m a good person!”
Henry replied with a hand gesture and: “I love you!”
Don’t think Donghae only says sweet words,
volunteering to switch to a smaller room means he’s the one to lose out,
the “dream lover” is a really considerate, tender hyung!
Also, I think what Ryeowook wants to say is, they’ve taken a lot of photos in Taiwan this time,
but the reason they haven’t posted them on Twitter is, because of the recent natural disaster in Japan, so many people are suffering, so they really cannot post photos of themselves shopping, eating, and hanging out in their dorms!
Also, Eunhyuk’s food problem, the staff will try their best to find him Korean food. Like during dinner, the other members chose to have Korean food because of Eunhyuk, and when they finished they also ordered “tofu stew” and three packs of noodles for him!”
Credits: SUPER DOME STAFF, Hou Wenyan 2011.3.28
translated by evaporate @ twitter
posted by elf101586@sup3rjunior.wordpress.com

27 Maret:SJ-M expresses desire to work with Andy Lau
Popular South Korean group Super Junior’s subunit SJ-M came to Hong Kong the other day to participate in the Asian-Pop Music Festival; it was the first time that SJ-M came to Hong Kong with a new lineup after ex-group leader Han Geng had left the group, and new member Eunhyuk did not deny that he wanted to take the opportunity to do some sight-seeing around Hong Kong. SJ-M, which has been established for 3 years, showed significant improvement in their command of the Chinese language, and they expressed their wish to work with the Hong Kong artsits, even listing Andy Lau as their first choice!
During the interview the other night, SJ-M, which had transformed into an 8-membered group, expressed that they were very delighted to be able to come to Hong Kong this time, as they have not set foot in the country for almost two years, andthat they missed the Hong Kong fans a lot. In addition, Eunhyuk expressed that he came to Hong Kong before for the sake of their concerts and also as the filming location for their photobook, (and said that) “Since I was young, I’ve heard a lot of stories from others that the night view of Hong Kong is very breathtaking, I hope that I would have the chance to take a look myself.”
As for Chinese member Zhou Mi, he said that although he “lives” close by, but he also expressed that he would like to try the gourmet food in Hong Kong.
Aside from that, Sungmin, whom is also setting foot in Hong Kong under the identity of an SJ-M member for the first time, also said that after joining SJ-M, the most unforgettable moment was when they were filming for the MV of their new song “Perfection”, because they had a Korean and a Chinese version each, so it was really taxing to film two MVs on the same day.
Kyuhyun feels happy while listening to Jay Chou’s song
Using Chinese, Kyuhyun said that in their new album 《Perfection》 this time, the song that he loves the most is 《Love Is Sweet》 (《幸福微甜》), which was composed by Jay Chou, “because when I listen to the melody of the song I feel very blessed, so I like it a lot. (However) it’s very difficult to sing to, and the lyrics are really fast.”
Nevertheless, he praised that the emotions in Siwon’s interpretation (of the song) was very good. SJ-M also mentioned that, if they had the chance, they would like to work with Andy Lau, and laughed while pointing out that “We want to allow Andy Lau and Henry Lau to work together”*. Zhou Mi also pointed out that he really likes Kay Tse and Joey Yung, and hopes that they are able to have a duet with the Hong Kong female artists in their next album.
Donghae invites fans to meet in dreams
SJ-M has been established for almost three years, and the members’ command of the Chinese language have shown significant improvement, and when asked who was the most fluent (in the language), Siwon revealed that, “Actually each of the members are good in saying different things; for example, Donghae is the best in basic conversational Chinese, while Kyuhyun is more familiar with literature and poetic phrases, and I’m good in business-related words.” Ryeowook added that, perhaps it was because he was also involved in composing, so whenever he records an album in Chinese, his pronunciation will automatically become more natural than the previous time. Zhou Mi’s Cantonese also showed a vast improvement, and could converse quite fluently(in the dialect). Aside from that, Eunhyuk expressed that there would be times where they would use the wrong language in different places, (saying that)“There was one time when I went to Italy, and I said ‘xie xie’**, and while working in the country, I would sometimes accidentally speak in Japanese. There are also times where I would mix several languages together.”
Ryeowook and Donghae also showed off their abilities in speaking the Chinese language at the scene. Ryeowook turned to the fans and said, “In order to get closer to everyone, we will do our best to participate in more television programmes, fanmeetings, performances and more, hope that everyone will support us, thank you everyone.” Donghae, on the other hand, and expressed affectionately that, “Tonight, when everyone is asleep, then come into my dreams. When you want to watch concerts and programmes, you have to purchase the tickets and queue up (for the shows). But if you come into my dreams, you don’t have to purchase tickets nor queue up. When you come into my dreams, please give me a call, thank you everyone, good night.” It is believed that the fans will definitely go to bed early, and anticipate Donghae’s appearance. On the other hand, SJ-M, who hasn’t met the fans in Hong Kong through shows in a long while, hopes that they would be able to meet with the fans, and pointed out that if they release their 5th album, they would hold some activities (in Hong Kong).
* For those who can’t really get the joke, it’s because Andy Lau’s (Liu De Hua/刘德华) and Henry’s (Liu Xian Hua/刘宪华) Chinese names only differ by virtue of the middle character.
** Xie Xie = thank you in Chinese.
Source: Singtao News (via ent.gz163.cn)
Translated by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET

SJ-M is the most well-received at the Hong Kong Asian-Pop Music Festival

According to reports from the Hong Kong media, this year’s 《Hong Kong Asian-Pop Music Festival》 was held on the 23rd of March at the Expo. Countries such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, and Malaysia deployed their best men with the heavenly kings and queens’ status, and also young, talented artists to perform and compete against each other. William Chan, who was representing Hong Kong, was unable to win over his overseas rivals, and was eliminated first; he expressed that he was disappointed (with the loss), but would definitely accept the defeat with good grace.
China’s representative wins two awards
Hong Kong’s William Chan, China’s Wu Qiong, Taiwanese group SIGMA, South Korean group The Boss*, Singapore’s Tay Kewei and Malaysian band Bunkface chased after the Asian Super New Star Award, Best Stage Performance award,(and) the Best Song Performance award. Although William Chan had the advantage for being in his homeground, but still lost over the raging overseas rivals. He and SIGMA were eliminated from the competition first, and even in the Best Stage Performance Award category in which he had the most confidence in, he also lost by a narrow margin of several points. In the end, Wu Qiong snatched both the Asian Super New Star Award and the Best Song Performance Award, while the Best Stage Performance award fell into the hands of The Boss.

South Korean group wins Best Stage Performance Award
William Chan admitted honestly that he was very disappointed (with the loss), but would definitely accept the defeat with good grace, and said that: “I have always wanted to win the Best Stage Performance Award, and worked really hard for the dance practice this time; I’ll just have to continue working harder. Although I’ve lost, I really accept it. It’s really an invaluable experience to be able to watch the performances by artists from different places.” He explained that he was very nervous while waiting for the results to be announced on stage, but it was a real pity that he lost to The Boss by a margin of several points. William Chan said that: “I was able to experience the feelings that I felt when I participated in the rookie’s competition when I was 17. At that time, I joined the competition for the sake of the Best Stage Performance as well.” When asked whether he felt that his loss could be attributed to the fact that he did not activate the lightbulbs on his performance outfits in order to add to the effects of the performance, William Chan laughed and said: “If there were sparks it would be even better; I actually planned to light them up after entering the final round. But it’s alright, I can still wear the outfit in the future.”
SJM was the most well-received
Hong Kong representative Joey Yung took the lead by singing; other performers included Taiwan’s Lollipop F, Singapore’s JJ Lin, Korea’s Super Junior-M (SJM), Malaysia’s Fish Leong, and China’s Bibi Zhou. Among them, SJM’s appearance during the finale was the most well-received, causing profuse screams from the audience.
* a.k.a. Dae Guk Nam Ah (DGNA)

Source: 明报 (via 565.net)
Translated by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET
SJ-M are going to stay in Taipei for a period at the moment. Siwon and Donghae are going to start shooting for their new Taiwanese drama while the other members too hope they could carry out different schedules inTaiwan too. Donghae and Kyuhyun even jokingly said in Chinese “Hope that we could have more activities in Taiwan, our prices are negotiable!” Eunhyuk teased Donghae “Even underwear CF are acceptable” which caused everyone to burst out laughters.
Zhoumi mentioned that they have went to Shilin night market few days ago, they even went to have lunch at a famous Sichuan cuisine restaurant. Henry bought friend chicken with salt and pepper for the members too! When asked whether the food in Taiwan suit SJ-M taste or not, Ryeowook said most of the members had get used to it except Eunhyuk (as you all know, Eunhyuk’s stomach is sensitve). The food in Taiwan even made Sungmin gained a bit of weight.
SJ-M had planned many activities to carry out with fans who love them for the stay in Taiwan this time, Siwon said in Chinese “We want to prove that the quote ‘You will ended up with disappointment when you have too much hope’ is false. We want to let everyone know, after waiting for our comeback for such a long time is wort.”
Credits : Yahoo 奇摩ALLRISEUNHAE@twitter
posted by elf101586@sup3rjunior.wordpress.com

TVB J2 Hong Kong Asian-Pop Music Festival – SJM

Credit: Cut & Uploaded by SiHae86@YoutubePosted by: uksujusid (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)TAKE OUT WITH FULL AND PROPER CREDITS.
26 Maret:Super Junior M’s Perfection MV Making & Photoshoot Cover [ENG SUB]
Credit: SiHae86 @ YT | Shared at: icepluscoffee.wordpress.com
Posted by: Melody (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

Happy Fan Meeting with Super Junior M

Credits: 七禾页 and RaiBaka @ youtube
Posted by elf101586@sup3rjunior.wordpress.com
25 Maret:[Fancams!] SJM at Asian Pop Music Festival Press Con & News

Credit: BrilStarVideo @ YT

Posted by: uksujusid (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

Airirang showbiz Korea – SJM album photoshoot & Interview 

Posted by: uksujusid (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)


110324 MTV Entertainment News (SJ-M & Heechul)

Credit: CANDICE4star@YTPosted by: uksujusid (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)
24 Maret:Super Junior-M “raids” Hong Kong, causes chaos in airport
According to reports from the Hong Kong media, popular Korean group Super Junior-M arrived in Hong Kong yesterday to prepare for tonight’s (23rd March) <<Hong Kong Asian Pop Music Festival>> which is to be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. As one of the members, Zhou Mi was in Beijing, he arrived at 1pm in the afternoon on his own at the Hong Kong Airport, and was immediately surrounded by several hundred passionate fans. Fans not only shouted “You’re so handsome” loudly in Mandarin but tried to squeeze forward to deliver the gifts which have been prepared earlier, giving Zhou Mi a rewarding journey. Zhou Mi kept on smiling and waved from time to time. At 2pm in the afternoon, the other 7 members arrived in Hong Kong, causing several hundred fans to break through the security defence line in order to interact with their respective idols at a close proximity. The security personnel were lost amidst the chaos causing the group to come to a standstill twice in order to control the scene. The Super Junior-M members continued to maintain a smile, and in the end spent nearly 20 minutes before they could board their vehicle to leave.
-Parts of the article have been omitted-
SOURCE: yule.sohu.com
Posted by elf101586@sup3rjunior.wordpress.com
16 Maret: Super Junior-M’s Chinese language album has achieved second place on Taiwan’s music charts on the first week of its release.
According to the Taiwanese album chart G-Music on the 7th (of March), the Chinese-language album “Perfection”, which was released on the 25th last month, came in at second place on the first week of its release (February 25 ~ March 3). The first place (on the charts) was occupied by Taiwanese singer Show Luo.
Boy group Super Junior’s Chinese-speaking unit, Super Junior-M started their full-scale promotional activities on the 22nd of last month with a visit to Beijing. The mini-album “Perfection”, which has 6 songs in total, including the title song, are all in the Chinese language.
Source: Star News
Translated by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Reupload & Posted by: starkarz (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)
Boy group Super Junior-M has started to conquer Asia.
Super Junior-M, who had officially began their full-fledged activities in the Chinese-speaking regions with their new mini-album “Perfection”, has recently won first place on music charts in China and Taiwan, showing an outstanding performance.
Super Junior-M, who appeared on the Chinese music programme “Music Billboard Chart”, which was aired on the 5th, had clinched the first place (on the show) immediately after their comeback.
Later on in Taiwan, they had dominated on the album sales aggregate charts of Guan Nan and CCR, and of course on the music charts of the radio HIT FM. It was even more meaningful for them, as they have beaten Taiwanese star Show Luo (on the charts).
In addition, their title song “Perfection” also came in at first place on Taiwan’s authoritative music chart program, HITFM’s “Hito Top Hits”.
Their agency SM Entertainment said that “Super Junior-M released a Chinese-language album based on the localization strategy, and the results of their competition with the local artists in the Chinese music sector once again shows Super Junior-M’s sky-high popularity, cementing their position as one of Asia’s most popular groups”.
Source: TV Daily (via Daum)
Translated by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Shared by KyU Is L♥Ve @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Reupload & Posted by: starkarz (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

With the start of promotions, in order to perform in a Chinese TV program, on the afternoon of 22nd of February, Super Junior-M arrived in Beijing, with about 1000 fans there to welcome them. However, because of the fans enthusiasm, and for the safety of both the members and the fans, the members were taken out of the airport through another route.
On this day, which Super Junior-M will appear on TV around 100 stations, including the “Ying Yue Feng Yun Bang”* and BTV, along with a few other channels. The show, “Yu Le Xian Chang”* which invites guests over, will introduce their new mini album “Too Perfect”, marking the start of all promotional activities.
On the 23rd, there will be a CCTV entertainment show, “Happy Fan Meeting”, where it will the first time they will being going to as special guests. Being the first show Super Junior-M recorded, the starting was the song from their new mini album, “Too Perfect” and the solo “Destiny”. Other songs performed include “Super Girl” and “At Least I Still Have You”, making the Chinese fans go wild with excitement.
The title song, “Too Perfect” is a product from the same producers which brought you BoA’s Eat You Up, Remee and Roelsen. Accompanied with a melodious tune and catchy lyrics, is the catchy dance move. Releasing the MV on the 21st, it became a hit among internationals fans, and thus the birth of another hit song.
China’s biggest website, “Xin Lang” also had Super Junior-M’s “Too Perfect” MV on their website, catching the attention of those fans who resides in China.
This time, the mini album will be launched in Taiwan’s market on the 25th, followed by the Asia market. The Korean version of “Too Perfect” will be released in Korea on the 28th and many websites and shops have already had the albums stocked for the market, showing the enthusiasm for these people.
On the other hand, Super Junior-M has finished the recording of CCTV “Happy Fan Meeting” on the 23rd, and will being going to Taiwan on the 24th for their album release press conference.
*: both shows are music programs
Source: Chosun
Shared by: AYOSHIARI@sj-world.net
Korean – Chinese Translation: SJ’s Baidu Bar
Chinese – English Translation: ミ mholic ★@sj-world.net

Posted by: uksujusid (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)
8 Maret:
The boys of Super Junior-M can congratulate themselves on a successful comeback, as they’ve been sweeping charts across China and Taiwan!
The group, who just kicked off full-fledged promotions for their latest mini-album “Perfection“, grabbed No. 1 on China’s “CCR-Music“, and on Taiwan’s prestigious radio program, “HIT FM Taiwan“.
Responding to the overseas domination, SM Entertainment stated, “Super Junior-M’s comeback was based on a specific strategy that would create much hype and attention in China, and we focused on competing with popular local artists. Super Junior-M succeeded in establishing themselves in the music industry.”
Source: TVDaily via Daum via allkpop

6 Maret:
South Korean idol group Super Junior-M made a whirlwind stopover at Taiwan yesterday in order to promote their new album “Perfection”, but because Chinese member Zhou Mi faced problems with his visa, SJ-M lands in Taiwan with one member less. During the press conference, Siwon, who was born in the Year of the Rabbit, unexpectedly lost to Donghae in terms of popularity, and wasn’t favoured by the LOVE rabbit. Donghae, on the other hand, kept on unleashing his charms by sweet-talking the female reporters below the stage, using Chinese to say “Ladies, your figures are really nice!”
Donghae favoured by the LOVE rabbit
SJ-M reached the Taoyuan Airport yesterday afternoon, and close to 300 fans braved the rain to chase after the stars. During the press conference in the afternoon, the recording company gave them a couplet which read “Prosper”, wishing that the album that would be released today would be a huge sellout. As this year is the Year of the Rabbit, the recording company invited the LOVE rabbit from Japan to take the stage, causing Siwon who was born in the Year of the Rabbit to laugh heartily. However, this rabbit fan only had a soft spot for Donghae, and Donghae replied in a cheesy manner in Chinese, saying: “My beloved darling, do you love me? Do you want to get married with me?” Beside him, Siwon blurted out that “I want to go home.” in dismay. Eunhyuk also started dancing the rabbit dance, catching the attention.
Eunhyuk dances (and said) hilarious tongue-twister
SJ-M released a new album after more than a year’s absence following the departure of ex-Chinese member Han Geng from the group, and added two new members Eunhyuk and Sungmin. When asked whether there’s a huge pressure to sing in Chinese, Sungmin truthfully said that: “When I just started learning I think that Chinese was very difficult, but during the recording, the other members would help me from the side, (so) I hope that I’m able to use Chinese to communicate with the fans.” Eunhyuk, whose Chinese language skills needs to be further improve, tried to save his face by jokingly claiming that “I can understand by listening, (but) I don’t like speaking (in Chinese)“, and even showed off a unique but hilarious pronunciation tongue-twister.
New album’s name claims to love Taiwan
Towards the end of the press conference, Siwon expressed that during this period of time there are certain things that had happened, thanking the fans for their continuous support, and mentioned that they would work harder to bring better performances, and would not disappoint everyone. Also, after the title song of SJ-M’s new album “Perfection” was announced, there were netizens who pointed out that the “Tai Wan Mei” in the lyrics has similar pronunciation with the words “Taiwanese girls” and “Beautiful Taiwan”*, to put it bluntly, SJ-M really loves Taiwan. They would be leaving Taiwan today morning at 9.30am by taking the flight BR217, ending their visit to Taiwan which lasted less than 24 hours.
On the other hand, through their exclusive brokerage firm in Taiwan, Fu Long, SM Entertainment has reiterated that the concerts on the 11th, 12th and 13th next month at the Taipei Arena will go on as scheduled, reassuring the fans.
* 太完美 (Perfection), 台灣妹 (Taiwanese girls), and 台灣美 (Beautiful Taiwan) all have the same pronunciation.
Source: Liberty Times
Translated by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Posted by: uksujusid (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)
5 Maret: Super Junior-M recently visited Taiwan, where they held a press conference on their new album and attended an interview with Hit FM. During the interview, they revealed the true meaning behind their album title "Too Perfect" and their own ideal types.
Siwon explained that the reason why their new album's title "Too Perfect" has a similar pronunciation to "Taiwan Girls" is because of their manager. Aside from the different tones, the two phrases are both pronounced "tai wan mei" in Mandarin. According to Siwon, it's "because our manager had always wanted to marry a Taiwanese women, thus this album/song name was used."
The members were asked to name the type of girls they consider to be "Too Perfect." Siwon answered, “The first glance must always be the eyes of the other party. I think that sincerity is shown in the eyes; any woman who has a pair of pure looking eyes is a perfect woman.”
Ryeowook, on the other hand, melted hearts with his answer, “My fans are all perfect women.” New SJ-M member Eunhyuk drew laughter when he answered, “Women who love me, regardless of who they are, are all too perfect!”
What do you think of their answers?
Sources: Yahoo! Taiwan and SJ-World
posted by elf101586@sapphirepearls.com
28 Februari: 
The boys of Super Junior-M are ready to rock your world again, as they’ve just revealed the Korean music video for “Too Perfect“!
Though we’re still split on deciding which version we like more, we can’t deny that regardless of whether they sing in Mandarin or Korean, these boys bring the fierceness to the set like no other.

And the first version which was made public again, after going private a few days ago.

Source: allkpop
Super Junior-M had made a Korean version of “Too Perfect“!
The entire single was put up for purchase on Korean digital music sites today, which features all six tracks from the original Mandarin release, along with the additional Korean version of “Too Perfect”. The physical release of the mini-album will hit stores on March 3rd.

Source: allkpop
27 Februari:
Super Junior’s China sub-unit, Super Junior M (Siwon, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Sungmin, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Henry, ZhouMi) are in Taiwan for their promotional activities for their new album, Too Perfect (太完美).
Arriving in Taiwan on the 24th, Super Junior M was greeted at the airport by about 300 fans, whom despite the bad weather and rain, flocked the airport to see their idols.
Super Junior-M was able to feel the hospitality the Taiwanese fans were giving, even at the press conference.
Event organizers from the conference prepared a giant rabbit on stage, and Donghae, showing interest in the rabbit, asked, “Rabbit, do you love me? Will you marry me?” giving Siwon goose bumps, before he said, “I want to go home,” eliciting laughter from everyone.
It has been a year since Super Junior Hankyung withdrawal, and now Eunhyuk and Sungmin are now participating in the activities with the other members.
Asked if singing mandarin was a challenge to any of them, Sungmin replied, “At first, recording in mandarin was hard, but with the other members’ help, it was fine. I will speak to you all later in mandarin.”
After the press conference, Siwon added, “the fans are always there to cheer us up, and we really appreciate the support. To replay the fans for their never ending support, we will perform better! “
Super Junior will also be holding a concert in Taiwan next month.
Source tvdaily
Shared by: AYOSHIARI@sj-world.net
Translated by: ミ mholic ★@sj-world.net
Posted by: uksujusid (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)
26 Februari: 
Popular Korean boyband Super Junior’s sub-group, Super Junior-M (SJ-M) will soon release its new mini-album, along with the addition of two new members. On the night of 22nd Febuary, SJ-M guest appeared on Beijing’s “Music Billboard” and held an exclusive interview with Sina Entertainment. They disclosed that their newest style was cooler than their previous one, and they had new ideas for their dance. The album also includes a song produced by Jay Chou and Vincent Fang, which made the members relatively happy and they looked forward to working with Wang Lee Hom and Andy Lau.
Interview with Sina Entertainment on SJ-M’s New Album. The new songs are even better than before.
Due to the prolonged time taken for the recording of the previous program, it was already close to 11pm when the interview started. According to the introduction done by Chinese member Zhoumi, SJ-M had rushed for 4 schedules on that day, immediately upon landing. After that, they had to go for a rehearsal for a program on CCTV. Although the 8 members still tried to maintain the professionalism and cooperation required by idols, their faces could not hide their fatigue. The usually restless Donghae already started swaying from left to right and only Siwon, who was concered about their image, maintained a a smile. Eunhyuk who was next to him, jokingly imitated his never changing “acting cool” pose.
However, with a mention of their soon-to-be-released mini album “Perfection”, the members quickly gained back their spirits. Zhoumi revealed that new elements were added in their new album, such as the sense-stimulating rhythm of electric guitars. The overall feel of their dance was also stronger. “If our style for the previous album was lively and full of sunshine, then the style for this time is even more handsome.” When their aristocratic-style concept, which focused on fur, plaid and suits, was mentioned, Zhoumi laughed and said the fur hats reminded people of “The Flying Fox in the Snowy Mountains”. Upon hearing the words “The Flying Fox in the Snowy Mountains”, Siwon and a few Korean members immediately burst into laughter. The other members also started laughing knowingly, showing their familiarity with the classic martial arts film.
Happy to be presented with Jay Chou’s song and hopes to work with Wang Lee Hom and Andy Lau.
Another highlight of the album is the song “Love Is Sweet”, produced by Jay Chou and Vincent Fang. This is Jay’s first time writing a song for Korean celebrities and a Korean group. Also, when Jay Chou went to Korea for promotional activities for his movie “Secret”, he interacted with SJ. Zhoumi revealed that their company initiated an invitation to Jay Chou for a song. Main vocalist Kyuhyun expressed his delight in working with Jay Chou, when talking about Jay, he said “Actually when I first saw Jay Chou, I did not have much of a reaction. However, after watching “Secret”, I was deeply entranced by the charm of his movie and watched it ten over times. After meeting him in Korea, I felt that he was especially friendly and liked him a lot.” Speaking of excitement, a few members even started singing Jay Chou’s “Silence”.
Apart from Jay Chou, the members also wish to work with other Chinese artists. Henry has always admired Wang Lee Hom, who like him, is also good at the violin. Choi Siwon on the other hand “adores” Andy Lau, who worked with him on the movie “The Battle of Wits”. Siwon even did an impromtu imitation of Andy’s song: “Love you for a million years……” with similar pronounciation and tone. This was very funny.
Eunhyuk’s Chinese is not good, causing jokes. Kyuhyun laughingly said that Sungmin looked like Liu Bei*
This time SJ-M added two SJ members: Eunhyuk and Sungmin. Eunhyuk, who is good at dancing, gave a different feel to the album. The weird-thinking Kyuhyun called Sungmin the Korean version of Liu Bei. “He is extremely kind, caring and has much intelligence.” The two members are filled with anticipation, as they join SJ-M. Sungmin laughed and said “Last time, when SJ-M members went back to Korea, they would always show off and talk about China, their fans and the food. At that time, I was really envious, so I’m very honoured to be able to join this group.” Eunhyuk expressed: “There would be new challenges and opportunities. I hope that with the addition of Sungmin and me, it would give this group a better future. The thought of being able to interact with more fans makes me really touched.”
The Chinese of the original members, who have been to China numerous times, is still of some standard. However, the two newly added members have a hard time listening and speaking Chinese. When Eunhyuk heard the translator saying “Xin Dong” (The Chinese translation of “touched”), he immediately looked confused and did a “Xin Tong” (The Chinese translation of “heart ache”) action. This caused everyone to burst into laughter.
* – Liu Bei was a military general, and later an emperor who was known to be a benevolent and caring leader.
Source: Sina Entertainment
Translation: tiηg♡@ sj-world.net
Thanks to black_cat@sj-world.net for the head’s up
Posted by: Phoebe (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

Having released their “Too Perfectmusic video earlier, fans have been waiting patiently for the official release of their album on February 25th in Taiwan, followed by March 3rd in Korea.
It’s been almost 3 years since Super Junior-M debuted with “Me” album, and the group has since undergone member changes, with Hangeng not involved anymore since he filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment, and Eunhyuk and Sungmin coming in.
Besides the title track which we have already heard earlier, the album also contains five brand-new Chinese songs, including HENRY and Zhou Mi’s compositions, “Off my mind” and “True Love,” as well as “Love is Sweet,” written by Jay Chou.
Check out the other tracks below and tell us what you think of them!

Source: allkpop
25 Februari:
★ Translated by ★//囧酥餅 at SJ-WORLD.NET
Just like what everyone knows, after going through so many things, being able to meet everyone with a new image in this new 2011 Rabbit year, I feel really elated, happy and very excited. Recently, our members had been doing their own activities in different fields, and to not let everyone's hopes down, we've gathered together again! I hope everyone can continue to love us, give us warm applauses to welcome us, I really love all of you.
★ Translated by ★//囧酥餅 at SJ-WORLD.NET
Everyone waited and awaited for so long, we've also put our waiting and awaiting feelings into this~ I hope everyone can
give us lots of love~
★ Translated by ★//囧酥餅 at SJ-WORLD.NET
After a year, Super Junior M's newest album is finally released.....firstly, I want to thank God for helping us to let this album be released on the shelves safely. Despite a lot of difficulties during Super Junior M's album production period, I want to thank the SM family and a lot of staff members, who have been giving us a lot of strength mentally and physically. Lastly, our members and our ELF who believes that we will be together forever..I'm always thankful to all of you, I love you.
★ Translated by ★//囧酥餅 at SJ-WORLD.NET
The God who has always been taking care of us, thank you! My family who I can't meet often!! Father and mother I love you~ it must have been hard to meet your son right..I'm so sorry! I will work harder..my grandmother, who had been praying for me even before she passed away..just as what grandmother hopes, I will become the healthy Ryeowook that pursues victory~!! My brother Jungwook, who would work hard no matter where he is~ you have to learn from me!! Hehe brother I love you~ grandmother also told me to take care of you~!! You racal, treat me better! My Super Junior members whom I've become one with!! I cherish each and every one of you~ I really love all of you^^ Our manager hyung and noonas, HEE STORY's noonas and workers at the beauty shop who had been working hard everyday because of us, thank you. Yoonjung noona, you have to work hard~!~^^
I've always been very thankful towards you, you know that right?^^ Jongseok hyung who rectified me from my body to my spirit, thank you~ really*. If there isn't SM, a lot of people won't know Ryeowook~ I've always felt very thankful~I will repay you!! Teacher Lee Sooman (,) I wish you good health~our dearest E.L.F!! I will love all of you forever >o<
★ Translated by ★//囧酥餅 at SJ-WORLD.NET
Now I'm going to become the real "Asia Anchovy" Thank you to all the people who had worked hard and helped Super Junior-M
★ Translated by ★//囧酥餅 at SJ-WORLD.NET
As long as there is God, you don't need to be afraid of anything! As long as there is my father who is looking after me from heaven, I won't feel tired and at the same time, I also won't feel exhausted!! As long as I am together with the members that I love, I can do anything!! As long as there is E.L.F watching me, I can do it even more handsomely than anyone else!! Lastly, our Sharp guy Taksama!! Congratulations on your wedding!! Fellow(,) you've grown well!! You have to have a happy and blissful life!!^^?? ❤ All the staff members who have worked hard for SJ-M, I love all of you and thank you!
★ Translated by ★//囧酥餅 at SJ-WORLD.NET
Finally meeting everyone with a new album, thank you to all the SMtown family's staff members who had worked hard for this album, without all of you, this album wouldn't be born. Everyone, you've worked hard! Thank you to the fans who have always believed and supported SJM, we won't let all of you down. No matter now or in the future, we will work hard to make good music!
Posted by: uksujusid (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)
After the publicity photos and MV for the new mini-album, “Perfection” were released, they immediately gained fans’ attention all across Asia, and from the 22nd, Super Junior-M will appear on various major programmes in China, officially starting their promotional activities in the Chinese-speaking circle. The members arrived in Beijing on the 22nd, and was immediately broadcasted by more than 100 TV stations, including Beijing TV (BTV). They have also recorded “Live Entertainment” and “Music Feng Yun Chart” among other programmes, and their popularity cannot be looked down upon. On the 23rd, they will participate in the first episode’s filming of CCTV’s brand new entertainment programme. SJ-M will reveal their title song “Perfection”, ” Destiny”, “Super Girl” and other popular songs live.

“Perfection” is composed by popular composers Remee and Troelsen, and is a dance song with beautiful lyrics. BoA’s popular (song) “Eat You Up” was also composed by them. The entertainment company said: “The new mini-album will first be sold on the 25th in Taiwan, and would then be released in various parts of Asia. On the 28th, the Korean version of “Perfection” will be launched.” It is reported that after SJ-M has ended their programme filming on the 23rd, they would arrive in Taiwan and hold a press conference on the 24th.
Source: Korea Star Daily
Translated by Saranghaey @ SS3singapore
Edited by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Shared by oceanblue @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Posted by elf101586@sup3rjunior.wordpress.com

Taipei, Feb. 24 (CNA) Super Junior-M, a spin-off of South Korean boy band Super Junior, arrived in Taiwan Thursday to promote its latest album.
The eight-person band, which comprises a Chinese Canadian, a Chinese national and six South Koreans, was touting its new album titled "Perfection, " which includes a song written by Taiwanese star Jay Chou and his music partner Vincent Fang.
The Koreans in the group, which targets China and the rest of the Mandarin-speaking market, showed off their language ability by thanking their fans in Chinese, according to Yam, a Chinese-language news website.
One of them even recited a poem in classical Chinese.
The band was scheduled to leave the following day, while six of the members, who are also members of Super Junior, are scheduled to return to perform at the Taipei Arena March 12 and 13.
Credits: Focus Taiwan News Channel | By Kendra Lin (ENDITEM/J)
Posted by: Melody (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)23 Februari:
Eunhyuk posted a recent photo of Super Junior-M, a subgroup of Super Junior’s that promotes in China.
Fans were happy to see all the members together, even remarking that they looked happier than ever. You can see Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Si Won, Donghae, Zhou Mi, Henry, and new members Sungmin and Eunhyuk.
They started their promotions in China on the 22nd, and they plan to run full speed with their promotion schedule by appearing on many programs.
Eunhyuk tweeted, “I will be working harder, and more genuinely, in order to find things more precious than those I’ve let go of. It was a difficult decision, but I have no regrets. I hope to become someone new and improved with each new day. Fighting! SuJu-M fighting!”

Source: TV Report via Nate via allkpop

On February 22nd, Super Junior-M’s Henry guested on SBS’s “Strong Heart“, and confessed that his fellow groupmates gave him a unique lesson on Korean that brought about some interesting results.
He began, “My mother is Taiwanese, and my father is from Hong Kong. It’s been about three years since I came to Korea.  At first, it was difficult for me to pronounce things in English with a Korean style, like ‘Hae-ri-po-ta (Harry Potter),’ ‘He-reu-mi-o-ni’ (Hermione),’ ‘Ham-buh-geo (hamburger).‘”
Henry continued, “I didn’t want to look like a disrespectful person because of my lacking Korean skills, so I asked the Super Junior members to teach me Korean.”
The expressions that he were taught consisted of pick-up lines, including, “What’s your horoscope (byeol jari)?”, to which he was instructed to respond, “Next to you (yeop jari).” Henry was also taught the question, “Where are you?”, which should be followed up with, “In your heart, in the second exit~”. Finally, when asking “What kind of alcohol do you like?”, he should know the answer, “Your lips~”.
Upon hearing the phrases, Shindong and Eunhyuk gave embarrassed looks and exclaimed, “I didn’t think he’d say this on broadcast!”

Source: Seoul NTN via Nate via allkpop

22 Februari:
[Newsen Reporter Lee Sooyeon]
Super Junior M’s foreign member Henry appeared on SBS ‘Strong Heart’ and revealed an anecdote of Super Junior members.
Through the past 2006 SM Global Audition, Henry had been chosen as member from Canada by combining dance and performance of piano and electronic violin, displaying a splendid performance and his talent. Henry was born to a Hongkong father and Taiwanese mother, holds Taiwan nationality and grew up in Canada.
On February 22 in the broadcast of SBS ‘Strong Heart’ , Henry revealed, when he came for the first time in Korea , he couldn’t communicate because of Korean word mixed with English pronounciation* that was really different with English, revealing his big embarrassment and caused great laughter (in the studio) . He also disclosed that he received special private Korean lessons by Super Junior members.
Super Junior members had specially taught him ‘a rule where whatever the question is, (he) has to answer it with good manners’. However, when Henry revealed this on ‘Strong Heart’, everyone couldn’t help but laughed hard. On February 22, Henry will reveal what kind of Korean words he had learnt from Super Junior members in ‘Strong Heart’.
Meanwhile, Henry is scheduled to have activity from the 25th as Super Junior M’s member through mini album ‘Tai Wan Mei (太完美ㆍPerfection)’ ; together with Super Junior’s Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk, Sungmin and Zhoumi
(which is Konglish = Korean English)
Source: NEWSEN
Translated by ♥~pinkninja @ SJ-WORLD.net
Reuploaded & Posted by: hyukjade (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

21 Februari: 
Boys of Super Junior-M have finally unveiled the full MV for their comeback track, “Perfection“!
It’s a seriously sexy video complete with smouldering looks into the camera that’s sure to make any ELF swoon in their seat. The choreography is as aggressive as ever, and the set gives off a darkly sophisticated feel to the overall track.

Source: allkpop Credit: aKyufan

18 Februari:
Super Junior fans, hold onto your seats. The music video teaser for “Too Perfect” has just been revealed!
“Too Perfect” is the title track for Super Junior-M’s Chinese comeback album, and its music video is promising to be a visual feast. Donning stylish outfits to match their stylish sets, these boys are ready to claim the top (and know that they’ll be looking darn good while doing it).

Source: allkpop Credit: sment

15 Februari: 

Super Junior’s Chinese sub-unit Super Junior-M is preparing to drop their highly-coveted comeback album on February 25th, but for those fans who just can’t wait, we’ve got a special treat below.
A Taiwanese radio station aired their title track, “Too Perfect“, and fans are already gushing over the aggressive electronic sound combined with the smooth vocals of their favorite boys.
So without further ado, check out the radio rip of Super Junior-M’s “Too Perfect”!
Updated with new audio without the DJ:

Source: allkpop Credit: annfabreag
Super Junior-M is returning with their second mini-album, “Too Perfect” on February 25th. A sample of their title track was even shared on a Taiwanese radio station.
Now, more information has been released as the album recently appeared for preorders on the Avex Taiwan website.
According to translations provided by @zhouminews:
- Super Junior M is releasing their new album “Perfection” to once again take on the Chinese market!
- Released first in Taiwan on February 25th, followed by all Asia!
- Brand new eight-person image, SJ Eunhyuk, Sungmin have been added so fans can be even more excited!
- Includes 35 pages of lyrics + photo booklet, as well one member’s autograph card (8 kinds in total)
- Includes 6 brand-new Chinese songs, including HENRY and Zhou Mi’s compositions “Off my mind” and “True Love,” as well as “Love is Sweet,” written by Jay Chou forSuper Junior M
And here’s the tracklist:
1. 太完美 (Perfection)
2. 命運線 (Destiny)
3. 幸福微甜 (Love is sweet)
4. 表白 (Off my mind)
5. True Love
6. 吹一樣的風 (My all is in you)
Source: Avex Taiwan Website via allkpop Translated by: @zhouminews
After nearly a year and five month hiatus, Super Junior-M has officially begun preparations for their comeback!
Super Junior’s Chinese sub-unit is scheduled to release their second mini-album, “Too Perfect,” on February 25th, and it’ll feature vocals from members Si Won, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Henry, Zhou Mi, Eunhyuk, and Sungmin.
The group will perform on stages all across Asia, whilst simultaneously promoting their unit by branching into acting, MCing, and other non-music areas.
Starting with a recording for Beijing’s CCTV on February 22nd and 23rd, the group will be holding a press conference for their album release on the 24th, followed by its official release on the 25th.
Source: OSEN via Nate via allkpop
Recently, it was revealed that Super Junior’s sub-group, Super Junior-M, would be making their comeback with some member changes, with the inclusion of Eunhyuk and Sungmin.
A few of the members’ teaser photos had been revealed yesterday, and the happy unveiling continues today with photos from Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Sungmin, and the overall group photo!
Sources: Avex Taiwan SJM official website via allkpop

12 Februari:
After a long hiatus, Super Junior’s sub-group, Super Junior-M, will be making their comeback this Valentine’s Day.
There’s no official word of anything concrete from SM Entertainment as yet, but four new teaser images of Super Junior M members, Si Won, Donghae, Henry, and Zhou Mi, were revealed on the morning of February 12th through avex’s Taiwan official website, sparking talks of an impending comeback. In addition, their name of their title track is likely to be “Too Perfect“, as seen on the website.
Meanwhile, it’s said that Eunhyuk and Sungmin will be linking up with Super Junior-M, while their comeback date is set for February 14th.
Source: allkpop

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