Donghae meninggalkan pesan kepada para fansnya di official site dramanya, ‘It’s Okay, Daddy’s Daughter’.
Donghae menulis di official online notice board,
“Through the drama, I have been able to feel the importance of my family again, and I wish I could express my love for my parents more. I have been thinking more about my father in heaven while I’ve been acting. I will work hard to become a son they can be proud of.”21 Desember: Super Junior Donghae ambil bagian dalam photoshoot dan interview dengan majalah fashion, “Elle Girl“.
Dengan konsep ‘Magician‘, Donghae menunjukkan berbagai ekspresi dan pose.
Saat interview, Donghae menyatakan mengenai debut aktingnya. “Since it was something I really wanted to do, I was happy when I was given the opportunity.” Mengenai karakternya, ‘Choi Wook Ki’, ia menyatakan , “We have similar personalities. But despite having a lot in common, acting it out is hard, as usual.”
Bersama Super Junior selama 5 tahun, Donghae merasa bahagia dan juga mencitai semua member. “I still consider enjoying promotions with the other members my first priority. If I don’t have the members, I’m nothing. It’s the most fun when I get along with the members.”
Saat ditanya mengenai rahasia keutuhan grup, Donghae langsung menyebutkan leader, Lee Teuk. “I’m glad I was able to meet the leader. Leeteuk-hyung is a really brilliant leader. All the members are also pure, and are people who would take time to listen to other people’s stories. When someone mentions something we did wrong, everyone nods in approval.”
Full fotonya bisa dilihat di Elle Girl edisi Januari, dan juga ada di Elle Atzine.
21 Desember:
Donghae dan Ryeowook bersama-sama akan menyanyikan lagu untuk OST“It’s Okay, Daddy’s Daughter”.
Dengan lagu berjudul “Just Like Now“, merupakan acoustic ballad. Donghae menyusun lagu tersebut setelah membaca script.
20 Desember:
Donghae dan 4minute Nam Jihyun akan berpartisipasi pada OST drama, SBS “It’s Okay, Daddy’s Daughter.”
Donghae, yang berperan sebagai ‘Wook Ki’, adalah karakter laki-laki muda yang kuat. Ia akan merilis lagu yang dibuatnya sendiri, “Like Now.” Lagu dengan warm acoustic ballad, yang cocok untuk winter season; merupakan lagu duet dengan Ryeowook.
Lagu ini akan dirilis pada 23 Desember “It’s Okay, Daddy’s Daughter OST Part 3”.
8 Desember:
Donghae menceritakan kisah cintanya???
Pada salah satu episode Strong Heart, “Whenever I went out with a girl, I got dumped. I wanted to know the reason why. When I was a junior in high school, I went out with U-Know Yunho and saw my ideal girl. In the end, I asked Yunho for her number and we got to liking each other. I stayed in touch with her for 1 year, but after every 6 months, our contact would stop for 1 month.”
Donghae menyatakan gadis itu mengkhianatinya, “I found out that her boyfriend had been studying abroad and that he came home every 6 months. For that 1 month he was here, she would be hanging out with him. When he left, she would contact me. Even though I knew what was happening, I still liked her.”
“I still liked her, so I even waited for her 10 hours one time. I wanted to at least see her. On the first snow, I wanted to make snowmen with her, but she denied my request. That day, I made a snowman the size of Lee Seung Gi.”
“I wanted her to at least see the snowman, but she said no again. I made a miniature snowman, texted it to her, and went to her house. She was tired of my 2-year crush on her, so she told me, ‘You can go now’, and wanted us to separate.”
“After 3 months, she called me crying. She said she remembers how well I treated her and wanted to meet. In that moment, I wanted to be a bad guy. Don’t they say women are attracted to bad boys?”
Ia mengatakan, “I was in pain over her for 2 years and dated her for 28 days. After all the disappointment, I spent my days with the lights off hating the world. I wrote her letters for a year and a half.”
Moon Chaewon menyatakan, “For women, bad men are an episode in life, but they don’t hold onto it. You can insult a bad boy, but you can never insult a guy who treated you right.”
18 November:
Donghae hadir pada konferensi produksi dari drama SBS yang akan datang, “It’s Okay, Daddy’s Daughter” pada 18 November. Donghae adalah member keempat Super Junior yang membuat debut akting resmi. Saat ditanya mengenai perannya, ia menjawab, “My character is the youngest brother out of three and is a very responsible young man that has a positive outlook on life who is able to overcome obstacles on his own. I’m currently filming the drama with a lot of ease due to the director, staff, and my castmates helping me along the way.”
Ia melanjutkan, “It should be a lot harder and I should be receiving a lot of nagging, but I’m instead receiving much love. I feel glad in being able to show a different side to myself to everyone.”
Pemain lain yang hadir saat itu, Moon Chae Won, Lee Hee Jin, 4minute’s Nam Jihyun, CNBLUE’s Minhyuk, Jun Tae Soo dll. “It’s Okay, Daddy’s Daughter” akan tayang 22 November.
15 November:
Donghae akan berpartisipasi pada SBS drama berjudul “It’s Okay, Daddy’s Daughter.” Minggu lalu, video teaser untuk drama tersebut dirilis.
Donghae dalam teaser sedang menelepon sebagai pekerja konstruksi dan menyebutkan mengenai kematian kakaknya.Check it out:
10 November: Donghae, yang dikenal sering berpartisipasi pada acara amal, mengajak Sungmin untuk Korean Red Cross CF.
(Chingu yaa.....Donor darah yukz...hehehe...)
14 Oktober:
Donghae dan CNBlue Kang Minhyuk akan berperan dalam SBS drama, ‘It’s Alright, Daddy’s Daughter‘.
SM Entertainment menyatakan, “We received the invitation and have been attending meetings, however the casting is not yet confirmed.”18 September:
Donghae telah merilis CF untuk Thailand skin care company 12 Plus. Bulan lalu ia endorsed 12 Plus Miracle BB Perfect Powder dan kembali lagi untuk CF lain.
“Currently filming a CF in Thailand ^^ I’m happy to give Thai ELF Fans a present by appearing in this CF so I’m feeling happy !! I promise to film the CF with a cool image hahahahaha Have a good day”
9 September:
Donghae mengupdated Twitter dengan fotonya memegang album pertama One Way, Oneway Street. Donghae berpose bersama member One Way Chance dan Peter.
Donghae tweeted , “With the Boys of One Way! Please support One Way Street album! I love u guys :)”
7 September:
Ia berkomentar, “No wonder my neck hurts. It’s because I was sleeping like this!! Good Morning!! Have a good day!! ELF.”
Donghae tidur dengan pakaian merahnya. (It's like his hat is very heavy...k k k k)
29 Agustus:
Choi Siwon dan Donghae akan berperan dalam drama Taiwan Glamorous Challenge.
Berdasarkan Taiwan iFensi tgl 24, “The decision to cast Choi Siwon and Donghae into Glamorous Challenge has been finalized.”
Glamorous Challenge merupakan drama remake dari komik Jepang berjudul Skip Beat, tentang seorang gadis yang dikhianati oleh pacarnya. Untuk membalas dendam, ia debut sebagai artis.
Aktris Taiwan Lin Yichen akan berperan sebagai pemeran utama wanita. Choi Siwon dan Donghae telah tampil dalam musik video Lin Firefly September lalu.
Glamorous Challenge akan mulai filming Maret tahun depan.
17 Agustus: Donghae for Miracle BB Perfect Powder.
15 Juli: Donghae solo photoshoot dengan majalah fashion untuk edisi Juli High Cut. Dengan judul “Un-expected Man.” Donghae menyatakan, “When I have someone I love, I’m going to yell ‘I love you!’ in the middle of Myungdong (one of the most crowded parts of Korea). I love being an idol but maybe in my next life I could be a soccer player.”
13 Juli:
Donghae mendapat julukan “king of tears” saat ia tampil dalam SBS Strong Heart (Kang Shim Jang) tgl 13.
Saat show, ia memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai king of tears dan Shindong menambahkan pengakuan Donghae sebagai tear king.
Shindong mengatakan, “During the awards ceremony rehearsal stage, Donghae looked up at the ceiling and started tearing. I asked him, ‘Why are you crying?’ and he answered, ‘Our team members seem to be tired and losing their strength.’”
Donghae juga mengatakan saat member Super Junior tidak bisa tampil karena aktivitas individu masing-masing, ia merasa sangat sedih dan jadi teary eyed cuz ia merasa mereka seperti keluarga.
Eunhyuk juga menyatakan, “After Donghae came back from activities in China I asked him, ‘Activities in China are hard, right?’ and comforted him. He seemed touched by my comforting and started tearing while he washed his face. He kept saying, ‘Wait, hyung. Wait,’ even though I didn’t say anything,
13 Juli:
Donghae berpartisipasi dalam komposisi Strong Heart Theme song. MV dibuat dan member Super Junior Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, Shindong tampil bersama Donghae 14 Juni:
Donghae mengupload fotonya bersama dengan dua anak yang ditemuinya di Star Golden Bell. Ia menulis:
I met 2 angels at Golden Bell today^^ They were really really pretty kids^^ I really like babies ㅎㅎ I will also be a lovely dad to kids in the future right? hihiHeechul menjawab Donghae dengan mengatakan:
You’ll be playing the Refreshing game when the kids are asleep ㅡㅡ^ As expected, if it is kids, then it’s me.
2 Juni:
Super Junior tampil dalam Dream Team Season 2
Siwon mengupload foto bersama Donghae dan Dream Team regular, SHINee Minho, dan menulis, “Dream Team! HAHAHA!”
Donghae juga mengupload foto dan menulis, “This is Tuksum at Konkook University, ^^ with Dream Team, come quick ^^ come watch, SuJu Dream Team special!!! Come to Konkook University!
17 Mei:
Donghae mengupload fotonya bersama Eunhyuk dan Kyuhyun, mereka bertiga berpose tidur di loker berbeda. Ia menulia, “Kyuhyun, Donghae, Eunhyuk fell asleep in the closet…”
15 April:
Leeteuk dan Donghae mengunjungi wanita Vietnam.
Pada 28 Maret, Leeteuk dan Donghae mengunjungi wanita yang di Peace Home, yang merupakan pusat akomodasi 20 wanita yang berusia 10 sampai 20 tahun yang mengalami kekerasan fisik maupun mental. Pengelola memberikan para wanita tersebut psychological treatment dan menyediakan berbagai aktivitas harian, seperti menjahit dan menyulam,untuk memperbaiki dan membangun kepercayaan diri mereka setelah mereka kembali ke dunia nyata.
Dua idol ini bertemu 4 sampai 5 wanita dan mendengarkan kisah para wanita tersebut.
Leeteuk menyatakan, “It hurt me a lot to think about how much pain these young women endured.”
8 April: Donghae secara resmi memiliki account twitterer! Follow him here!Shindong menyatakan, “Donghae, you finally begun!!!! Everyone Donghae finally started Twitter~^^ Everyone go follow him now now!!”
Donghae tweeted, “Hello! It’s Super Junior Donghae!^^ I started Twitter” ia juga mengatakan , “But it’s kind of hard! Please teach me”Donghae menunjukkan fotonya bersama aktor Shin Hyun Joon “Before leaving for the last SUPER SHOW2 at the Philippines, I took a picture at Haiti with Shin Hyun Joon hyung.”
26 Maret:
Tim Danbi terbang ke Haiti untuk MBC Sunday Sunday Night. Yang pergi ke Haiti diantaranya Shin Hyun Joon, Kim Ji Soo, Kim Hyun Chul dan Super Junior Donghae.
Pada 12 Januari 2010, terjadi gempa bumi di Haiti dengan kekuatan 7.0 magnitude. Menyebabkan banyak gedung hancur, sekolah ditutup dan berbagai kerusakan fasilitas. Tim Danbi dan yang lain bersama membantu.
Principal dari sekolah lokal mengatakan,
“Due to the earthquake, all schools were closed but it makes me happy to see all these children gather together again with such cheerful expressions.”
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