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Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Yoo In Na

3 April:
With the cold winter months receding, there’s no actress that fits the upcoming spring season better thanYoo In Na herself.
After 10 long years of training, she first emerged before the eyes of the public through MBC’s “High Kick Through the Roof.“ It wasn’t until SBS’s “Secret Garden” that she really nailed in the essence of who she is, however, and with a leading role in her movie, “My Black Mini Dress,” she’s now become a household name in the industry.
Although she’s probably busy day in and day out, Yoo In Na had nothing but joy to express in her latest interview with Sports Hankooki moments before “My Black Mini Dress” hit theaters.
Check it out below!
Q. “Is your personality really as bright as the roles you tend to take on?
Yoo: “Those around me say that I resemble my characters a lot.”
Q. You’re actually older than Yoon Eun Hye and Park Han Byul, but you actually look the youngest.
Yoo: “I tried my best to look like the maknae (laughter). I think it’s because of my voice and the way I speak that makes me look younger than I actually am.”
Q. “With four actresses in one room, wasn’t there any tension?
Yoo: “I think that’s actually a sort of stereotype. I may be the oldest, but experience-wise, they’re all my seniors. My character, ‘Minhee’, is the cute and comedic type, which I tried to follow through with, and everyone really did treat me like I was cute. There’s no tension at all, we were all taking care of one another.”
Q. “Do you think the personality of your other castmates resemble their roles at all?
Yoo: “My role is very elementary-like so I tried to keep that up on set by joking and playing around. Park Han Byul is very cool but also innocent and worries a lot. She was really happy that her character resembled her so much. Yoon Eun Hye is very serious in her thought, and although she doesn’t joke around on set often, she’ll sometimes joke and play with me.”
Q. “All of the luxury brands and shopping styles in the movie seems so displaced from reality.
Yoo: “I think it was the director’s intention to create impressive scenes with a lot to see. If it was too realistic and ‘normal,’ I don’t think there’d be much to see or enjoy.”
Q. “What were your 20s like?”
Yoo: “I think I spent it worrying over my future like my role in the movie does. It was also the majority of my trainee life, so there was just a lot of worrying for me.”
Q. “Could you talk a bit about your trainee experience?”
Yoo: “I entered YG Entertainment in 2006. For about five years, I trained to become a singer, even though I joined thinking I’d become an actress.”
Q. “Did you ever want to quit during those 10 years?”
Yoo: “Not once, ever. My dream ever since I was a child was to become a celebrity, and there wasn’t anything else that I particularly wanted to do or excelled at. I did wonder whether this path was right for me, but I never thought of quitting. Even when I turn 40 or 50, I think my decision will remain the same.”
Q. “Did you feel the growth of your popularity during your ‘High Kick’ days?”
Yoo: “I was amazed when I saw my name rank in on portal search rankings and saw that people began to recognize me on the streets. Now, I just feel thankful and responsible as well.”
Q. “You really don’t have any antis.”
Yoo: “I’m amazed at that as well. I sometimes wonder whether it’s okay for me to be in such a great position, and also whether everything I’ve suffered for is being repayed with the position I’m in now. But it is true that with the growth of my happiness, my level of nervousness grows as well.”
Q. “How does it feel grabbing the MCing spot for ‘One Night in TV Entertainment‘?”
Yoo: “When I first received the offer from my agency, I remember shouting out, ‘Yes! I’ll do it!’ The fact that it’s live was so exhilarating. Seo Kyung Suk oppa takes care of me as well, and working alongside him really makes me feel that he’s a genius. I sang a song in the first broadcast, and that was his idea as well.”
Q. “You have a lot of male fans thanks to your voluminous body.”
Yoo: “I don’t manage it with anything special. I don’t have a lot of fat to begin with, but I do eat well and move around a lot. I eat to the point where those around me are embarrassed for me! Even during the filming for my movie, Cha Ye Ryun and I will have mounds of snacks to eat.”
Q. “In ‘Secret Garden,’ you played the role of the dependable friend. A lot of viewers felt endeared with the cuteness of your role, especially when you mistakenly thought that Kim Joo Won was in love with you.”
Yoo: “It was fun for me as well. I rehearsed the scene where I’m waiting for him to come out of the elevator at home over 30 times. There were a lot of different versions that I came up with.”
Q“Are you that dependable with your real friends as well?”
Yoo: “As opposed to my roles in movies and dramas, I like to take part in their lives instead. I’ll be more aggressive in making sure that they make up with each other and I’m more open with saying what’s on my mind. I love that I’ve earned the nickname, ‘The nation’s friend,’ thanks to my consecutive roles as the friend.”
Q“Do you ever want to try a role that’s opposite to your previous bright and outgoing characters?”
Yoo: “Anyone has a sort of opposite character within them. I have moments where I feel depressed or calm. I don’t want to pursue a drastic yet because I’d rather go about it step by step so that the viewers have time to adjust. I’d love to be able to take on roles like Seo Young Eun in ‘On Air‘ and Na Sung Shil in ‘Perfect Couple.’”
Q. “What do you do in your free time?”
Yoo: “I’ll go shopping with my friends or just walk around on the streets. If I wear a hat and keep my head down, people don’t tend to notice. I just can’t talk (laughter).”
Q. Any male actors you’d like to work with?”
Yoo: “I’ve never really thought of this. I was recently impressed with Ryu Seung Bum-ssi.”
Source: Sports Hankooki via Nate via allkpop

26 Maret:

Yoo In Na, who is currently riding a wave of popularity, has received offers from movie 

industries overseas and is planning to start activities outside Korea.

Most recently, Yoo In Na had been seriously considering a movie role in Malaysia that was

offered by Director “A”. It was reported that Director “A” is a famous movie director who has

been acknowledged world-wide. For the upcoming movie, they plan to shoot in Korea and in

Malaysia. Not just Yoo In Na, but another popular and talented Korean actor “B” is also

scheduled to appear.

Yoo In Na had also recently confirmed her appearance in MBC’s new drama, “Best Love“, so

she is currently coordinating the filming schedule for the movie. “Best Love” is scheduled to air

from May to June, and Yoo In Na plans to go directly into movie filming after the drama period

is coordinated.

Through this movie, it looks like Yoo In Na will get the chance to aim for foreign film festivals

and also the opportunity to walk on the red carpet. Yoo In Na, who became a household name

through her appearance in “High Kick Through the Roof“, is continually gaining popularity

through her MC position on SBS’s “Night of TV Entertainment” and in her appearance in the

newly released movie, “My Black Mini Dress.”

Source: Star News via Nate via allkpop

24 Maret: 

Is Yoo In Na a beautiful actress or a playful tomboyish? The answer is both!

While busy primping for her next broadcast appearance, the actress made no hesitation in stopping for a quick basketball game with athlete Kang Baek Ho outside of SBS’s broadcast hall.
Showing exceptional skills like the one-handed jump-shoot, Yoo In Na proved that she was in the game to play. Although she stepped back at Kang Baek Ho’s impressive display of skill and speed, she quickly picked up her pace and never once let the ball out of her sight.
Back in the waiting room, she stunned photographers by briefly letting down her hair to get ready for a primping session. With her sexiness and cuteness, it’s no wonder men can’t help but fall in love with her.
Source: Sports Chosun via allkpop

11 Maret: 

It has been a year since her debut sitcom “High Kick Through the Roof” wrapped up, and her prowess in acting is becoming more and more noticeable. She first greeted viewers by acting as Ha Ji Won’s friend in “Secret Garden” and recently become an MC of “Nightly Entertainment“. The actress is now busy promoting her first ever movie.
My Black Mini Dress“, a story about four women fresh out of school, is her first movie. Her acting roles became significantly bigger yet her bright energy is still the same.
Not losing her sweet smile, the actress said, “Everything is working out for me so I’m nervous. I feel like [God] is helping me“. But everyone knows that her life is working out for a reason. She is hard as a rock and extremely talented, having spent 10 years as a trainee.
The actress commented about her busy life stating, “I’ve always wanted to do so many things and now I’m doing all of those things. I was in a drama, a sitcom, and now in a movie. I’m an MC and I was even able to sing…But it’s very strange. I still can’t believe [I'm doing all of those things]. I sometimes think if someday things don’t work out, I shouldn’t be hurt too much. When people ask me for an autograph or clap for me I feel sorry. I don’t have the aura of a celebrity. Anyways, I’m very happy“.
When asked if she wanted to become a singer, the humble actress said, “I think becoming a singer-actress is okay, but I don’t think I can become a singer. I’m not that good. But after working withHumming Urban Stereo, I felt like I finally did something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Of course I want my acting to be the best but I also want to be a good MC, as well as be a DJ and dub for an animation. I want to do it all“.
When asked about her talented MC’ing on “Nightly Entertainment”, Yoo In Na said, “It was very fun. I was so nervous I ate a calming pill before it started. If you are awkward for even one second, it all shows. But after I did it, I just felt like it was the same. When MC Seo Kyung Suk gave me a little note saying, ‘You’re doing well, truthfully’ in the middle of the show, I felt very comfortable. After closing I felt great. Maybe live broadcasts suit me well (laughing). I think it’s also because I’m a regular viewer of the show.
She was also asked about her love life as well as about Kim Jae Dong. She explained, “My real ideal guy is Yoo Jae Suk. He was really my ‘god’, but these days my heart for him is becoming small. When he got married, I felt a little pang [in my heart]. However, I did feel a little nervous during ‘Come to Play‘ filming. I like nice and comfortable guys like actor Son Hyun Joo and Hwang Jung Min. When people say a lot of people like me, it all seems like a lie. No one calls, but I can date whenever I find a guy I love. It’s true that you don’t have a lot of chances to date when you’re busy, but I don’t think you don’t date just because you’re busy. Even Yoo Jae Suk got married [and he's always busy]“.
The actress also talked about turning 30 this year, and was asked about acting as a 24 year old. She said, “I’m 12 years older than U-KISS’s Dongho who also appears in the movie. When he asked me, ‘Were you born in the year of the dog as I was?’, I was very surprised. Anyways, when I started filming I was in my 20’s, and before you know it I’m in my 30’s, but I feel really good. I felt even better because my character was the same age as my juniors in the movie. If this was my tenth year as an actress, I would’ve hated turning 30. But it has only been 2~3 years so I don’t feel anything about my age. In the roles for ‘High Kick Through the Roof’ I was 23, in ‘Secret Garden’ 28, and in the movie I was 24. Age doesn’t really matter in real life“.
She reflected on her acting career saying, “When I first debuted, I just thought about people knowing me and my anticipation for the future, but while filming ‘Secret Garden’, I worried a lot about people wondering if I didn’t fit into a full-length drama. I felt even more overwhelmed because it received more love than expected. I’m still worried about how people will think about my acting in a future work. I don’t want to disappoint the people who are cheering me on”.
“‘High Kick’ is a work that brought me to where I am today. The director wrote to every single actor at the end and he told me that a light began to shine one day and he found it to be me. He wanted to develop it if he had more time but he couldn’t so he felt very disappointed. He told me that someone was going to harvest that jewel one day. It touched me a lot. ‘Secret Garden’ harvested that jewel for me. The ‘High Kick’ director found the jewel and the drama helped dig that jewel out of the ground. I was able to find some ground due to that work. I’m not sure about ‘My Black Mini Dress’ because it has not been released yet. I feel very overwhelmed because it’s my first big role so I feel like a director. I want the movie to do well so I feel very conflicted“.
Finally, the actress was asked about her similar roles in her dramas and her want for some change in character.
She replied, “In ‘My Black Mini Dress’, I play a rich, bright, friendly girl who has a lot of faults but cannot be hated. My background just changed so I’m basically the same as before. They surveyed who seemed most like their on-screen character and I was voted number 1. Even I thought my character was like me so I agreed a lot to my character’s actions. The three characters I acted as and myself are very similar. I want to change but not at this moment. I want to change slowly. It’s fun just thinking about it [acting as completely different characters]. Secretary Kim, Kim Sung Oh, played a bad guy in ‘Ahjussi‘ and played a bright character in ‘Secret Garden’. I don’t think there’s a more fun job than acting as two completely different people. I want to do that some day“.
Source: Star News via Nate via allkpop

8 Maret:
 During an interview with Star News on March 7th, actress Yoo In Na revealed that she received an offer to go hiking with MC Kim Jae Dong.
She began, “Kim Jae Dong-ssi treats me so well, I’m very thankful. He acts shy during recordings, but after it ends, he’ll ask me casually to go hiking with him and even asked for my number. Still, he couldn’t look me directly in the eye, but I did give him my number. I really love the mountains as well.”
Although she loved Kim Jae Dong for being “friendly, caring, and comfortable“, she chose Yoo Jae Suk as her ideal man. “My heart hurt when I had to congratulate him on his marriage,” she expressed.
Still, that didn’t hinder Kim Jae Dong’s love for her, as the two recently guested on KBS’s “Night by Night” together, in which Kim Jae Dong’s ‘Yoo In Na’ obsession was revealed in full force. Not only had he scribbled her name all over his script card, but he even wrote ‘38+5′ when she revealed that she wanted to get married within the next five years.
Source: Star News via Nate via allkpop
3 Maret:
Actress Yoo In Na has been selected as the first Korean model for P&G’s razor brand, Gillette, which is normally known for its male sports stars such as Park Ji Sung, David Beckham, and Thierry Henry.
Department head Jung Narae of Gillette, commented, “For a while, razor brands have used a marketing tactic that focused on male models. However, in a recent survey done for the Gillette Fusion Power, results showed that the first area of a man Korean women looked at was the shaving zone. We’ve decided to deliver the results by using a female model to show men the importance of shaving and skincare.”
She continued, “Yoo In Na has also become the #1 ideal woman amongst men and is known for her cute and sexy charm on dramas and variety shows. Such traits are more than enough in targeting the male consumer base.”
Yoo In Na will be modeling for the brand starting this month, and will be working alongside Park Ji Sung as partners.
Source: JoongAng via Nate via allkpop

23 Februari:  
Yoo In Na revealed her thoughts on becoming an MC of the SBS entertainment news program, “One Night of TV Entertainment.”
During the show’s conference, which was held at the Seoul SBS building on February 22nd, Yoo In Na expressed, “I consider this as a position that requires trust. I’m thankful for being appointed an MC, and I will do my best in showing a really fun and different side of myself.”
She continued, “Although I’m particularly nervous as I’ll be MCing live, I believe one becomes stronger when you’re actually put on live, but there are also mental burdens. I think I will need to know a lot about entertainment news, and I will be preparing well in order to give off a smooth flow.”
“I’d always watched ‘One Night of TV Entertainment’ religiously, I thought to myself, ‘I wonder what it would be like to be an MC, would it feel like you have the whole world in your hands?’”
She added, “I always thought things like, ‘I wonder what it would be like if I stood in that spot? I’d be nervous but I could probably do well’. That’s why I’m so thankful for this opportunity and I will do my best in my role.”When asked how her fellow SBS “Heroes” cast members reacted when she broke the news, the actress replied, “After being appointed the MC, the members were all surprised. I haven’t been able to meet them since we haven’t done a recording yet, but they left lots of messages through phone conversations and text messages.”
The producer of “Heroes”, Park Jung Hoon PD, also showed his support for Yoo In Na, as he personally showed up at the conference. When Yoo In Na realized he was there, Yoo In Na asked, “Oh, when did you get here?”, and also showed her tears of gratitude towards the PD and said, “I’m getting tears in my eyes as if I’ve just met my father at an unfamiliar place.”
She also added, “Park PD always comes and supports me by coming to the broadcast set of whatever show I’m appearing on. I think I was picked to MC for the program because I displayed a lot of my charms on “Heroes”.”
Yoo In Na’s first broadcast will be aired this coming March 3rd.
Source: Star News, BNT News via Nate via allkpop

20 Februari:  

Yoo In Na, known for her recent role in the drama “Secret Garden“, was chosen to be the new MC for “One Night of Entertainment TV.”
The previous MC, actress Song Ji Hyo, had to step down due to her drama commitments.
On February 20th, SBS stated, “Song Ji Hyo will MC until the 24th, and Yoo In Na will begin as the new MC starting in March.
Yoo In Na, who will work with main MC Seo Kyung Suk, is currently a member of SBS’s variety show, “Heroes.”
Kim Ki Syuk PD stated, “Through variety shows and dramas, Yoo In Na has showcased her wide range of talents, and I believe she will be the perfect fit for ‘One Night of Entertainment TV.’
Source: Yonhap News via Nate via allkpop
Yoo In Na recently revealed that her voice is one of her greatest complexes.
On this week’s broadcast of SBS’s “One Night of Entertainment TV“, Yoo In Na confessed, “I was shocked with my voice when my first episode on ‘High Kick Through the Roof’ was broadcast.”
She continued, “I was so shocked and thought to myself, ‘My voice must be unique…’. Even when I try to hide under hats so I don’t get noticed, people still recognize me by my laugh.”
Back when the actress made an appearance on SBS’s “Strong Heart” last year, she stated, “My voice is usually childlike and unique. People used to think I was doing it on purpose, and it was my complex for a period of time. But it’s thanks to my voice that I was cast for ‘High Kick Through the Roof’.”
Meanwhile, Yoo In Na also revealed her hidden singing talents through a feature on Humming Urban Stereo’s album, which was released on February 8th.
Source: BNT News via Daum Media via allkpop

10 Februari: 
On February 10th, actress Yoo In Na guested on YTN’s “News & People” and heated up the hearts of her soldier fans by revealing that she’d visit twice a month if her boyfriend was serving in the army.
The actress was asked what she thought about her fellow castmate on “Secret Garden,” Hyun Bin, enlisting in the marines, to which she replied, “If I had a boyfriend like Hyun Bin that voluntarily enlisted I the army, I would probably tell him that I was proud of him.”
She continued, “I don’t think he’ll miss me if I went too often, so I think I’d visit maybe twice a month.”
When asked whether she ever thought of doing the ‘foam kiss’ with Hyun Bin instead of her partner, Kim Sung Oh, she replied, “I’ve never actually thought of it.  The scene with Kim Sung Oh wasn’t originally planned, and he made about 20 NGs.  The directors were also enjoying the atmosphere on set and made us do it many times over.  If my partner was Hyun Bin and not Kim Sung Oh, I would probably do my best to make an NG during the foam kiss.”
The reporter then asked about her first impressions of Ha Ji Won, and she replied, “I thought Ha Ji Won senior would be scary, but she’s very innocent and nice.  She’s cute, and also has a lot of aegyo.”
When asked about her impression of ‘Hyun Bin oppa,’ she answered, “He’s not my oppa, we’re actually the same age.  Manners just seem ingrained in his body, he’s very cool.
Yoo In Na also recently featured in Humming Urban Stereo’s latest digital single, which led the reporter to ask what the singing profession meant to her.  She replied, “When I see the singers in my agency, they’re all so talented that I can’t imagine even thinking about singing.  When I see Big Bang and 2NE1 rehearse, I realize that not anyone can become a singer.  When I was younger, I had greed for both singing and acting, but during my trainee years, I felt more charmed by acting.  I don’t think about singing lately, I think it’s difficult to call me a singer because I just sang one song.”
On her goals for the future, Yoo In Na concluded that she’d like to become an actress that makes a long-time name for herself in the industry.  “I officially debuted through ‘High Kick Through the Roof,‘ which means I was basically a trainee for 10 years.  I enjoyed the training part, so it wasn’t difficult for me, but the endless waiting and my opaque future did often scare me.”

She continued, “Whenever it got difficult, I began wondering why I had started this career path, and why I was living.  The conclusion was always just ‘because I want to be happy.’  In order to become happy, I knew that I had to be an actress, which is how I was able to withstand it.”
Yoo In Na concluded, “When I saw my trainee friends debut before me, I wasn’t jealous.  I just thought, ‘Wow, they must be really happy.  I want to be with them too.’”
Source: TV Report, Newsen, My Daily, Xsportsnews via Nate via allkpop
On February 9th, actress Yoo In Na guested on MBC Radio’s “Blue Night, This is Jung Yeob” and shared her thoughts on working with Humming Urban Stereo for his latest digital single, “You That Day.
She began, “I was worried about messing up the song, but I earned a better response than I thought, so I’m glad.  I felt my voice was a bit awkward at first, but listening to it more made me like it, and now I turn it up loudly in my room.”
The actress often talked about how she hoped to pursue a singing career, and so she was asked whether she wanted to join a particular girl group.  She replied, “It’s probably impossible, but I’d like to join 2NE1.”
When asked to choose her ideal man, she chose actor Kim Kab Soo and explained, “Kim Kab Soo’s acting is so moving.  My ideal man has since changed to him.”
The DJ mentioned how a lot of male celebrities (such as Lee Kwang Su, G-Dragon, and Lee Seo Jin) chose her as their ideal woman, and Yoo In Na shyly replied, “Their ideal women have probably all changed now.”
The actress was also asked about how she came to develop a friendship with IU, who’s 10 years younger than her. Yoo In Na mused, “IU is mentally older.  An hour really isn’t enough when we’re complimenting each other, and I still haven’t been able to find any of her flaws.”
Her guest appearance concluded with a heartwarming shoutout to her family members, after it was revealed that Yoo In Na worked hard for 10 years in order to reach her current level of fame.  “I don’t have an amazing story to tell, like how my family was against my career choice, but my family did worry a lot about me.”
Source: OSEN via Nate via allkpop

8 Februari:  
Yoo In Na finally realized her dream of becoming a singer by guesting in indie producer Humming Urban Stereo’s latest digital single, “You That Day.”
The single consists of a total of five songs that showcase the actress’ hidden talents. 
The song she participated in features an expression of a woman’s emotions as reflects on her past loves while sitting before a beach.
The two met prior to this collaboration through a photoshoot and and briefly mentioned that they wanted to work with each other at the time. The promise has finally been kept!
Yoo In Na is now starring in SBS’s “Heroes,” and filming her upcoming movie, “My Black Mini Dress.”

Source: Osen via Daum via allkpop credit: Risk4SNSD

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